You make a new wizard, maybe you are even a new player. You visit the arena around level 5 or so. You are matched up with someone of about the same level
They have an interesting pet standing next to them. A stormzilla, a firezilla, or any one of a number of other really powerful pets. Pets that THEY didn't get. Pets that a much higher level wizard belong to the player on the other side of the low level wizard got. Pets that are trained up high enough to have their attack.
You have very few cards and they all are low level attacks. you try to pvp but it's a waste of time? Why? Because the low level wizard hits you with a wand a few times to build up pips then wastes you with their pet.
Is this cheating? The game allows it so technically it's not BUT it certainly is against the spirit of fair play. Since the people doing this apparently don't care about fair play, how about the game now allow pets in the ranked arena at all?
I understand this tactic may indeed be frustrating to new wizards but it is one that you can employ as well. Pets are a amazing addition to a wizards arsonal. I would suggest rather then gripe about something that's not going to change, you start working on your own pets. There are millions of wizards in the pet pavillion daily, I'm sure you can find one to help you hatch a pet of your own. Then you can begin to lay waste to other wizards in pvp. I seriously doubt you'll be complaining then.
I understand this tactic may indeed be frustrating to new wizards but it is one that you can employ as well. Pets are a amazing addition to a wizards arsonal. I would suggest rather then gripe about something that's not going to change, you start working on your own pets. There are millions of wizards in the pet pavillion daily, I'm sure you can find one to help you hatch a pet of your own. Then you can begin to lay waste to other wizards in pvp. I seriously doubt you'll be complaining then. Good luck fellow wizard!
it's an easy tactic to overcome. it always seems to be a storm or fire creature, so i got the amulets that give 3 shields against fire and the one for 3 storm shields, plus picked up a few treasure card shields. since the pets only give them one of that card, and that's the only strategy some of these players have, it becomes an easy win since they just wasted 6 pips for a wasted spell. just time it right and you're good to go! so i have no problem with those pets. -keller moonblade, adept necromancer
When you PvP, you are supposed to be ready for anything!
Pets are not a problem, because if they were, then everything would be a problem. Treasure cards can give powerful spells from different schools too.
Sorry, but pets, treasure cards, gear, criticals, and soon amulets are not the problems in PvP.
Take the time, get your own pet, treasure cards, amulets, and anything else you need. Be prepared and go in with a good solid strategy. If you lose, think about any mistakes you made and try correcting them. Learn and get better.
The whole game is equal, you want a pet, get the gold, go hatch with a good pet. You want treasure cards, go buy them.
Right, collecting gold to buy a pet with an attack card takes time. Some people would remove everyones pets from pvp rather then spend the time to make, hatch, or farm their own, these people generally generally lose in pvp because it is not fair! They might lose the match but what did they gain? A valuable lesson, come prepared to a ranked match. It's those that learn from their defeats that become good at pvp. Like darthjt said, analyze your defeat, learn from it, eliminate your disadvantage and try again.
You make a new wizard, maybe you are even a new player. You visit the arena around level 5 or so. You are matched up with someone of about the same level
They have an interesting pet standing next to them. A stormzilla, a firezilla, or any one of a number of other really powerful pets. Pets that THEY didn't get. Pets that a much higher level wizard belong to the player on the other side of the low level wizard got. Pets that are trained up high enough to have their attack.
You have very few cards and they all are low level attacks. you try to pvp but it's a waste of time? Why? Because the low level wizard hits you with a wand a few times to build up pips then wastes you with their pet.
Is this cheating? The game allows it so technically it's not BUT it certainly is against the spirit of fair play. Since the people doing this apparently don't care about fair play, how about the game now allow pets in the ranked arena at all?
Um... Maybe you should get your own powerful pet or get some treasure cards and stop whining... No Offense. Just like darthjt said be ready for anything
My level 18 fire, Alexandra Redleaf, has a magma spider that's a baby. Am I cheating by this? But since she's my only fire wizard on this account, I don't have any helephants in my backpack, don't worry peoples :P.
This is a tactic i've tried a few times with one of my lower levels but because she's a knight and has a 48 pet, i've nearly always been placed with an adept opponent. while having a very high level pet may seem unfair to my opponent, they often have twice as much health as me, or even more and many more higher level cards. don't worry, just keep building up your pets and leveling up and soon, you'll be able to release the havoc of your level 48 pet onto other wizards in the arena.
its their technique so its really not cheating.then again its unfair to some people.i have had that happen to me in a different way i was in 2v2 and there was A warlord lvl 1 lif and 20something ice i am lvl 33 death and some noob fire. the warlord had a lifezilla or something and just used it over and over again. afterwards the person had a new mount and tons of crown stuff so... i feel your pain :?
I agree completely. I started pvp around level 8, and through my current lvl 18, I have been hit with countless storm- and fire-zillas, and also helephants and orthrus's. I've learned to usually survive the -zillas. But in a recent fight, I had a myth and tower shield up, and I was at full health (around 1130), and the guy launched his orthrus and did 1300 something damage and killed me. To me, this and the treasure card krakens, helephants and wraiths take the fun out of pvp. I wouldn't want to win that way, and i don't see what pleasure they get out of it.
You make a new wizard, maybe you are even a new player. You visit the arena around level 5 or so. You are matched up with someone of about the same level
They have an interesting pet standing next to them. A stormzilla, a firezilla, or any one of a number of other really powerful pets. Pets that THEY didn't get. Pets that a much higher level wizard belong to the player on the other side of the low level wizard got. Pets that are trained up high enough to have their attack.
You have very few cards and they all are low level attacks. you try to pvp but it's a waste of time? Why? Because the low level wizard hits you with a wand a few times to build up pips then wastes you with their pet.
Is this cheating? The game allows it so technically it's not BUT it certainly is against the spirit of fair play. Since the people doing this apparently don't care about fair play, how about the game now allow pets in the ranked arena at all?
i agree with the low leveel part, i have a myth character that is one of my " noob" characters, "noob character" meaning a secondary wizard or new one, not in a bad way, anyway i was in arena and i fought this girl she had firezilla and in less that for round she plays it and says good game, good game? is that right? i say its a bad game, and yes i feel this is a problem and needs to be stopped
i agree with the low leveel part, i have a myth character that is one of my " noob" characters, "noob character" meaning a secondary wizard or new one, not in a bad way, anyway i was inarena andi fought this girl she had firezilla and in less that for round she plays it and says good game, good game? is that right? i say its a bad game, and yes i feel this is a problem and needs to be stopped
so you want pets removed from pvp because you got beat once? Really...? I am confused with the part of your post that says she used the pet on you in less than a round so I won't comment on that only ask was it before the fight? Listen are you saying that the grade nine kid that saved his allowance for two months to buy a flamezilla gift card should not be able to use it in pvp? I don't think they'll take pets away from pvp because you had a loss and are mad about it. Try compensating, save tickets for arena gear, load fire shields, the tools are their for you to use
You make a new wizard, maybe you are even a new player. You visit the arena around level 5 or so. You are matched up with someone of about the same level
They have an interesting pet standing next to them. A stormzilla, a firezilla, or any one of a number of other really powerful pets. Pets that THEY didn't get. Pets that a much higher level wizard belong to the player on the other side of the low level wizard got. Pets that are trained up high enough to have their attack.
You have very few cards and they all are low level attacks. you try to pvp but it's a waste of time? Why? Because the low level wizard hits you with a wand a few times to build up pips then wastes you with their pet.
Is this cheating? The game allows it so technically it's not BUT it certainly is against the spirit of fair play. Since the people doing this apparently don't care about fair play, how about the game now allow pets in the ranked arena at all?
Look, crystalwizard12345, not trying to be insulting, but this post is hardly worth replying to. This is another raving that isnpires others to call people "noob". You forget that either they bought the pet with a gift card, or they managed to hatch, or a higher level player on their account earned it. Either way, please don't complain about this.
It is a problem but its not really unfair or cheating because every single player has the ability to do it. Its not distinct to a school, and its not distinct to a type of player. If you had a high level pet you can do it as well so while it is bad for the player on the other side of it, it is fair.
You make a new wizard, maybe you are even a new player. You visit the arena around level 5 or so. You are matched up with someone of about the same level
They have an interesting pet standing next to them. A stormzilla, a firezilla, or any one of a number of other really powerful pets. Pets that THEY didn't get. Pets that a much higher level wizard belong to the player on the other side of the low level wizard got. Pets that are trained up high enough to have their attack.
You have very few cards and they all are low level attacks. you try to pvp but it's a waste of time? Why? Because the low level wizard hits you with a wand a few times to build up pips then wastes you with their pet.
Is this cheating? The game allows it so technically it's not BUT it certainly is against the spirit of fair play. Since the people doing this apparently don't care about fair play, how about the game now allow pets in the ranked arena at all?
Despite what most of you seem to think I would say that this is bad sportsmanship if not outright cheating. It is only be circumventing the spirit of the rules that a player at this level could obtain a trained pet.
In this example the combatants are level 5 and technically do not even have access to the Pet Training Area yet - you have to be level 7 before you get the quest.