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How to deal with Mystery Jade gear at mid-level.

Mar 05, 2015
Hello, I have a level 61 fire wizard that was warlord in the third age. A problem I encountered around this time, when the fourth age arrived are Jade gear of Mystery abusers. How am I supposed to penetrate near fire immunity with 6% pierce and a may cast infallible from my pet? Last game I had was against a life that used twice Guardian Spirit and managed to live at 17, respectively 10 hp WITH Guardian Spirit on them after I used a triple blade Efreet, first hit being followed by an overtime making my opponent actually die and revive at half hp, second hit being followed by a healing current may cast for 3800 heal, on top of that still having Guardian Spirit on her.
This is not normal and I would like to know what to do next time I encounter something like this.