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Going Second The Entire 4v4 Tourney

Sep 15, 2018
I just recently joined a 4v4 tournament with my friends not only did we go second all 4 rounds but the 2nd and 3rd round we faced the same team mind you they went first twice in a row it was virtually impossible to defeat this team because they were spamming and stacking smokescreens on my team thus making us fizzle almost every spell every turn.

I understand the strategy aspect of pvp has diminished, however making it where BOTH teams get a chance to go first every so turns would balance this out and make it FAIR. im not complaining or ranting I’m pretty sure kingsisle already knows about the disasdvantage of going second so all I’m proposing is that they fix this to give the player a more enjoyable experience with end game content.

Sep 30, 2018
kenia19977 on May 14, 2019 wrote:
I just recently joined a 4v4 tournament with my friends not only did we go second all 4 rounds but the 2nd and 3rd round we faced the same team mind you they went first twice in a row it was virtually impossible to defeat this team because they were spamming and stacking smokescreens on my team thus making us fizzle almost every spell every turn.

I understand the strategy aspect of pvp has diminished, however making it where BOTH teams get a chance to go first every so turns would balance this out and make it FAIR. im not complaining or ranting I’m pretty sure kingsisle already knows about the disasdvantage of going second so all I’m proposing is that they fix this to give the player a more enjoyable experience with end game content.
I remembered I was in my first first 4v4 and honestly being new taught me a lot about it. Its an unfair match making system that has little to no counter play when your able to stun your opponents while the 2 other players blades the storm weather its balance or death then storm infallible 2nd round everyone cast a blade on the storm while he/she is able to tempt, storm lord or glow bug. The match ends in 2 turns.

Dec 26, 2010
kenia19977 on May 14, 2019 wrote:
I just recently joined a 4v4 tournament with my friends not only did we go second all 4 rounds but the 2nd and 3rd round we faced the same team mind you they went first twice in a row it was virtually impossible to defeat this team because they were spamming and stacking smokescreens on my team thus making us fizzle almost every spell every turn.

I understand the strategy aspect of pvp has diminished, however making it where BOTH teams get a chance to go first every so turns would balance this out and make it FAIR. im not complaining or ranting I’m pretty sure kingsisle already knows about the disasdvantage of going second so all I’m proposing is that they fix this to give the player a more enjoyable experience with end game content.
Another at least decent fix to this problem would be making it so that stun cannot be used on first turn. Wouldn't fix the smokescreen or other debuff stacking, but at least people would have a chance to get rid of the debuff first round so that they aren't completely helpless come round 2 because they were stunned and took damage due to storm lord and now can't heal thanks to the smokescreen.

Sep 30, 2018
Luvdogs99 on May 31, 2019 wrote:
Another at least decent fix to this problem would be making it so that stun cannot be used on first turn. Wouldn't fix the smokescreen or other debuff stacking, but at least people would have a chance to get rid of the debuff first round so that they aren't completely helpless come round 2 because they were stunned and took damage due to storm lord and now can't heal thanks to the smokescreen.
I actually agree with this Everyone should be giving a stun block the first turn and then its removed at the end of the turn to be fair.