I sent in an idea that was supposed to have gone to the higher echelon and I have not received an answer back as of yet. My idea was simple and a "fix" for allot of the problems many are voicing. What I posted was simple. Here it is again ...
Level One Rank 1 - 10 Label* Rank** Level Two Rank 11 - 20 Label* Rank** Level Three Rank 21- 30 Label* Rank** Level Four Rank 31- 40 Label* Rank** Level Five Rank 41- 50 Label* Rank**
* = Level of Wizard ** = Rank of Arena Gained
This process is simple. It does however require two additional characters in the Arena. Keeping the current system active with the two characters that are already there, there would be one for this system and one for "play offs" . With this system, no one will be "outside" their current level meaning no longer would a private of twenty face a Captain of GrandMaster. The first character added would handle these players. The second character would then handle "Play offs" and would only come in at the end of the season for those who wish to compete at the end of season for a temporary badge. It would disappear when the season was reset. This would allow those who wish the challenge of going against a higher level player in both rank and level. Also it would provide the ones who wish to face their own level, give or take a level or two, to do so. I would open the WC arena and place each of the characters in one "corner" of the round arena. Thereby allowing everyone who wishes to, to be able to compete in the arena matches. So in essence, the system already in place would NOT be replaced but added to with the additional system. In my humble opinion, and only in my opinion, this would end many of the problems and complaints about the current system. Thereby making many of your players happy and more willing to compete in your arena. How about it KI, can this be implemented into your current system or is it too way out to even consider?
i agree with shocker based on the spell learning system and finding specific school learned spells i would agree on the level based wise thats much better idea