Hey I wanted to ask about my pets I have a real hard question, at least it's a hard question for me So anyways I have 2 gamer piggles 1 has a 6% universal resist, and spritely. My other piggle gives mc smokescreen and mc sprite. I was wondering which one I should use both pets may get 16% universal resist overall and also mc unicorn. So which one should I use? Thx again for reading my post. Sincerely, Michael griffinblood, lvl 46 conjurer,peace maker. Sad. I'd like to give a shout out to 3 wizards, Alexis lionblood, Kane lifetheif, and Logan spellforge, who actually gave me the first piggles talents.
Not really sure as to what you are asking. If you are asking which piggle to equip, I would go for the spritely and resist, not the MC smokescreen. I try to stay away from the may cast talents, as they undoubtedly end up being cast when they are not really needed. And smokescreen itself is really only useful in giving you an extra round, so the chances of you actually benefiting from this in the game are slim. It may be cool to see, but unless they cast it exactly when you need it, it won't really help. If you are speaking of hatching, if they both have the same type of resist (spellproof) then you will only manifest this talent 1 time. Not twice no matter if they both have it or not.
If you are asking about which one to train, then that is really a personal preference, but I would train the one with proof and spritely. BTW, using the calculations on Central, I have found that the new talents (ex death dealer) that say 1-12% boost are going to be tough to max out simply due to the limits of your attributes. If the new update allows higher attributes, then the higher boosts might be achievable. pods
Thx, i will definitely use your opinion to better my wizard, celestia is hard, and its worth knowing which pets to use! So thx again for the info, i plan to wait for my sub to end before training pets again.