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Which Pet is Good for Which Wizard

Jan 29, 2010
I am considering buying the new bundle and will create a new wizard for it. I found out that the pet that comes with it is a balance pet. (I just recently began a balance wizard) Does that mean that it would be better for me to use a balance wizard?? How does that work or does it matter? I am trying so hard to figure this game out better so that some other wizards will stop being so critical of me.

Jun 02, 2017
I haven't opened many packs before, but if you're worried about not being able to use a pet don't worry. You can easily transfer it to another one of your wizards using the bank in your house.

Aug 03, 2014
GoldensRule on May 29, 2018 wrote:
I am considering buying the new bundle and will create a new wizard for it. I found out that the pet that comes with it is a balance pet. (I just recently began a balance wizard) Does that mean that it would be better for me to use a balance wizard?? How does that work or does it matter? I am trying so hard to figure this game out better so that some other wizards will stop being so critical of me.
When we buy a bundle the items appear in a gift box to the left of our screen and can be redeemed on any wizard on that account - eg you can redeem the house on one, the mount on another, the gear on a third and the pet on a fourth...the crowns will be added to your total crowns and available to all wizards.

If you redeem an item on the 'wrong' wizard you can move it through the shared bank in your dorm or house. A house will only be able to be taken out of the bank by a wizard with a housing slot available (each wizard gets 3 slots free) who does not already own a house of the same name (eg you can't have more than 1 botanical gardens on one wizard but you can have one on each wizard).

There is no negative effect when moving a mount between wizards. The pet will drain any energy available to the wizard taking it out of the shared bank - just use up the energy first if you don't want to lose it. The house can only be moved via the shared bank once every 90 days so be careful to take it out on the right wizard. If you've put things into the house that can't be traded you'll need to take them out before moving the house but it doesn't need to be empty. The gear will be the level you selected when redeeming it so look at the stats and choose what you like most - you might find it's worth waiting a level or two before redeeming it if you're using the stats on it. The housing elixir can be redeemed on any wizard (it doesn't have to be on the one redeeming the house) but once you redeem it the slot can not be moved.

You can redeem the items as soon as you add the bundle to your account or you can leave some/all of it for whenever you're ready. They will sit in the box until you select to remove them.

Aug 03, 2014
GoldensRule on May 29, 2018 wrote:
I am considering buying the new bundle and will create a new wizard for it. I found out that the pet that comes with it is a balance pet. (I just recently began a balance wizard) Does that mean that it would be better for me to use a balance wizard?? How does that work or does it matter? I am trying so hard to figure this game out better so that some other wizards will stop being so critical of me.

Pets can be hatched to have any talents you like so the school of a first generation pet doesn't matter very much except that it will usually start with some talents for that school. Pet cards can be unselected so even school specific cards don't matter too much now but making use of them might be a bonus.

eg. The Wargoyle pet from the Battlemage Keep Bundle is a balance pet and has some balance talents (balance accuracy, balance critical) in first generation pet pools but the card it gives (Berserk) is a universal card that could be useful to any damage dealing wizard regardless of school. To make it into a great balance pet it will need more hatches to improve stats and get more balance talents into the pool; to make it into a great pet for another school it will also need more hatches to improve stats and get talents of that school into pool. The number of hatches will likely be similar.

Please note I am talking about first generation pets that will likely take some hatching to make into good pets to help you in your journey and when a pet has been made to have high stats, lots of talents for a particular school and a school specific blade this may not be the best advice!

I hope this helps and sorry others have been critical of you in game. Please feel safe to ask things here and know you will be supported and helped here