Lately I have been running across individuals who seem to think they are some how entitled to hatch with me. I have a few epic pets, including ice hound, sea dragon, etc. And when I go to hatchery to hatch with friend or see what other pets are available at least two or more people demand and/or beg to hatch with me. When I refuse they get angry, threaten report, with I don't care since I haven't done anything wrong by refusing a hatch from stranger. I guess I don't understand the sense of entitlement I am seeing amongst players especially those with pedigrees less than half of mine demanding a hatch. I know I can ignore or turn off hatch requests, but I like to see what is out there in hopes of improving my pets. Besides the demand of text chatters I get a barrage of menu chatters constantly spam requesting a hatch multiple (4+) in the span of 2 min. I generally port or ignore them, but wondering if others have had this problem as well.
To those whom I have refused to hatch, if I don't know you-since i am willing to hatch with proven friends-why would I waste the gold for only you benefit? I am attempting to understand the logic.
i have the same thing going on i also have a sea dragon and a helephant and a bunch of other things that people want to hatch with me that is why i chose the pet i want to hatch with right before i go in and before i even go in i see if any of my friends has one and if not i will go in and if no one got any i get out then i do it over again
I have a problem like this, they dont beg or threaten me but they random hatch request me expecting me to hatch my Epic Helephant with a piggle. A PIGGLE! Why would I hatch with a piggle for 25000 gold, when I can, go to the pet shop, and buy one for 50? One time I refused to hatch and they reported me :?
I have had this problem as well because I have a rare storm cat that is ancient and has many really good traits (storm Aura,storm shielding, and card) These people you speak of are all over the place and they seem to think that you are required to do as they tell you. I am unsure where this particular trait comes from but, the only privlage they are entitled to has already been given to them when they were born free! Unfortunately the only recourse you have is to ignore them or tell them their welcome to report you and nothing more as their false reports will soon enough get them banned. :?
KI needs to pay attention to false reports... That will resolve everything.
I love it, I simply LOVE IT when people want to hatch with me and I just say... "Why? Your pet is weak."
If they threaten to report me, I will laugh because it's utterly pointless and it harms them more than it harms me. I hate these "sense of entitlement" too but I love telling them off :P
"No, your pet is weak... I don't do weak... Train more, kthxbai !"
Here's what i do when someone wants my Tempest Hound or Crow, (those are the ones i get the most for). I just simply respond to them by saying I just hatched with my girlfriend, friend, whatever, and can't for 24 hours, and used up all my gold in doing so. They will ususally leave you alone, or ask for a friend request to hatch with you later, so you can just delete them in a couple hours when you go to log out (if you wish). 8) Simple, and won't get you reported or hassled. Got to be sneakier than the snake
When this sort of thing happens to me and the other person has open chat, I explain that hatching our pets won't make any kind of hybrid and even when you use two pets that CAN make a hybrid, it's a rare bonus, not normal. I also tell them that unless they are balance(or death), they won't get a hydra(or wraith) from hatching and that the main thing to take away from hatching is that you can take two pets with good talents and try to get the best of both in a new pet. Then I usually tell them that if he/she really wants to hatch pets to come here and learn the basics.