I'm searching for a good pet that i can get free(with membership) fighting a boss or something because i don't want to spend 20$ to get 1 pet that i want. Any suggestions?....help?
If you are close to level 48 you could wait until you get your level 48 pet quest.
If you do not want to wait I would recommend the Star Fish. You will have to find a high level character willing to help you get to Celestia (that shouldn't be too much of an issue). There you can buy it from the pet vender for 10,000 gold.
The reason I say this is because it has the chance of giving you Spritely.
It is an ice pet, but if you get Spritely it will be of immense help for you. My first pet after the pig had Spritely and I was very happy even though 2 of the other talents didn't help me at all.
Of course, the other option is to try and hatch with someone that has talents you want. But that would be difficult if you don't have something the other person is looking to get.
There is no such thing as a best pet, Onlywhat talents YOU want. There is hatching, or you can look at http://wizard101.wikia.com/wiki/Sea_Dragon So you can find which boss drops it as extremely rre and you have to do the whole dungeon in order to get to the boss.