Nah, me like my precious Snow Serpent Muffin enough. But if I had to, I would mix my sprite with something else, maybe a Colossus pet when I get one! The verious combos can be anything. Maybe the regular Colossus with blue pixie wings (That'll be funny! -) Same thing, but with normal pixie wings, same things but the Colossus is flying, A blue sprite, a sprite with ice on her, a blue sprite with ice on her, and a colossus with a sprite head (I'll lol at the site of that! :-D). You have wide choices, go free with them!
Sorry to say but the pet combination thing is not out yet :-(. We don't even know how it works and what kind of pets can be combined.
SO WHAT! Let people enjoy thinking about what pet combinations would they choose, like some other ppl have said so many pets could be a lot of combinations that would be fun to make.
Now that I've been on the Test Realm it really got me thinking.... you could choose a pet that was and and strong and one that was smart and power like a stormzilla and dragon mix. so i will show you possible combinations. (strong ones on left, other on right.)
Stormzilla + Krok Jade Oni + Heckhound Blue Cyclops + Imp ect... + ect....
- Tell me what you think and add your own combinations- -Justin HawkHammer Lvl50
I hatched an egg on the Test Realm (Storm Salamander+Jade Oni), hoping to get storm oni or life mander, but it was another storm mander! They just mix the stats! Plus you need to have two adult pets, which takes forever.
When you try mixing it doesnt give you a new pet it just gives you one that already exists. i tried to mix a stormhound and colossus but all i got was a stormzilla. i also tried to mix the red gobbler and a colossus and i just got another colossus.
you guys don't get it do you lets say that you mix a collosus with a storm zilla it will not be a cross of a storm zilla and a collosus it will ether be a collosus or a storm zilla but with powers that if you train it will be mixed between a collosus and storm zilla but i dont know if you could get a frost zilla by doing this and dont think a frost zilla is a zilla with collosus arms and feet it will be a ice storm zilla
you guys don't get it do you lets say that you mix a collosus with a storm zilla it will not be a cross of a storm zilla and a collosus it will ether be a collosus or a storm zilla but with powers that if you train it will be mixed between a collosus and storm zilla but i dont know if you could get a frost zilla by doing this and dont think a frost zilla is a zilla with collosus arms and feet it will be a ice storm zilla
valdus frostrunner lvl 29 thuamatugre
not now! now if you mix school pets if you get luck you will make a new combination
you guys don't get it do you lets say that you mix a collosus with a storm zilla it will not be a cross of a storm zilla and a collosus it will ether be a collosus or a storm zilla but with powers that if you train it will be mixed between a collosus and storm zilla but i dont know if you could get a frost zilla by doing this and dont think a frost zilla is a zilla with collosus arms and feet it will be a ice storm zilla
valdus frostrunner lvl 29 thuamatugre
Ahem, your the one who does not get it. I created this page to have fun not be all serious like "Oh i mixed a stormzilla with a wrath and it turned out to be a wrath." This is for fun, oh here is my list of what i woulod combine.
Blue ghost+Cyclops= Blue Cyclops Ghost Stormzilla+Storm Beetle= Storm Beetlezilla Ghoul+Storm Bat= Storm Ghoul
Please list your ideas and suggestions oh what creations you think up should have as cards or stat boosters like 45 max hp Justin HawkHammer (Recreated)Lvl~10
I dont want to suck the fun out of things bit you can rarely get a hybrid pet. Exept in tinking about a Stormzilla+colosus= Storm colosus with little arms :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
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