I think that you should let us magnificent wizards watch pet hatching. Plus, we should be in different servers so we can't tell the person who hatched what they got. Lets say your in realm Pixie. You can't watch a hatching video in your server or else you'll tell the person (unless your not like that). Let's say your watching a Stormzilla hatch with a Satyr. They get the StormDancer. You don't have to pay coins or crowns to watch these, just simply press X or right click on a stand and pick a hatch you wanna watch. I think it's a great idea.
~Ashley Shadowgem Legendary Life Satyr~Piper Gardening Rank~ Intermediate Gardener
I guess I am confused by the vouyeristic nature of your request; since most if not all combinations of pets are available from fansites, watching others hatching seems to me, getting a free show without the admission price-hatching cost. If people want to contribute to others hatching then by all means let those who agree allow prying eyes, but otherwise it is none of your business who I or others choose to hatch with. Hybrids are a special happening that occurs for the hard working and time tested; not those who wish a sneak peek.
Overall I don't understand why you would want to see, nor what use it would be to you if you aren't involved in the hatching process.