Hey guys, i searched for a long time for someone to hatch a cloud beast with my fiery judge pet. Once i raised my Cloud beast i hatched it with a inferno beast, and thats what i got. I have been looking for a wendigo for ages (all the time since i got my first pet.) I think i have seen one person with it so far, and everyone was asking to hatch with him. I knew that in order to get a wendigo you have to hatch a forest lord with a hummongofrog. How many people have you seen with one, and if you have one will you hatch? Also are they like "super" rare?
I have seen few people with with a wendigo. I also would also like to have one. Once in the hatchery. I asked to hatch but it said certain privacy settings would not allow it. Another time I asked to hatch with someone who had a cloud beast but was rejected. Just letting you know your not alone.