i just hatch my hawk with my jade dragon (one of the hawk pack and the other ninja lore pack) and i just got another jade dragon with the same card, just another dragon, so the question here is what pets are good for hatching rare pets??? any help
When you hatch 2 pets together, you combine possible talents. So, if one of your pets has spritely, and the other does not, you can possibly get spritely on the other pet. Same goes for any possible talent.
It is never a waste of time or gold to hatch, because, even though you may still get the same pet, you get a whole new pet in different possible talents.
I am sorry are you asking about hybrids? Most players use hatching as away to get better talents in one of their valued pets. If you are asking how to get hybrids ( a mix of the 2 pets) only certain pets can create a hybrid. There are some great guides for these on the fan sites through the community portal.
This isn't always true. I have done my judge three times and got a carbon copy of my own pet.
darthjt wrote:
When you hatch 2 pets together, you combine possible talents. So, if one of your pets has spritely, and the other does not, you can possibly get spritely on the other pet. Same goes for any possible talent.
It is never a waste of time or gold to hatch, because, even though you may still get the same pet, you get a whole new pet in different possible talents.
This isn't always true. I have done my judge three times and got a carbon copy of my own pet.
darthjt wrote:
When you hatch 2 pets together, you combine possible talents. So, if one of your pets has spritely, and the other does not, you can possibly get spritely on the other pet. Same goes for any possible talent.
It is never a waste of time or gold to hatch, because, even though you may still get the same pet, you get a whole new pet in different possible talents.
Actually, it is absolutely true.
My questions to you, if you are claiming me to be wrong, are:
1. What pet are you hatching your Judgment pet with. 2. How far have you trained all 3 hatchlings?
For me to be wrong, you can't be hatching a Judgment pet with another Judgment pet and you must train all 3 pets to Epic.
If you have Hatched all 3 Judgment pets with other pets and trained all 3 of those pets to Epic and gotten the exact same talents on all 3 pets, then I would be wrong, however, I doubt that this is the case.
This isn't always true. I have done my judge three times and got a carbon copy of my own pet.
darthjt wrote:
When you hatch 2 pets together, you combine possible talents. So, if one of your pets has spritely, and the other does not, you can possibly get spritely on the other pet. Same goes for any possible talent.
It is never a waste of time or gold to hatch, because, even though you may still get the same pet, you get a whole new pet in different possible talents.
While it is entirely possible for your pet to manifest exactly the same talents, it does not necessarily make it a carbon copy of one of the original pet parents. To be a carbon copy, the stats would all have to match exactly, all the manifested talents (all the way to epic) must be the same (and for purists, manifest in the same order) and finally all the un-manifested talents would have to be the same, with all talent slots in the same order. And don’t forget the derby skills change as well. So it is highly unlikely that you have gotten 3 carbon copies, unless as Darthjt noted you are using two original judgement pets each time.
That being said, you can certainly get pets that manifest the same talents through several generations, although often not manifested exactly in the same order. Typically however pets will get some talents from one parent and some from another. If both parents have some talents in common, it is more likely that those talents will pass to the baby, but this is not guaranteed. Nor is it guaranteed that the talents if passed will manifest. They will also get their stats either directly from one of the parents or as an average of the stats between the two parents. So you do indeed likely have a very unique new pet. It just takes a lot of patience and persistence to get the pet you want. Good luck with your hatches.
I have hatched my judgement three times all my talents are opened and i have received back the same exact pet twice and once I opened three selfish talents.. neither pet used to hatch had any selfish talents open.. So this does seem like a waste. The only pet I haven't felt cheated on or that I have wasted money and time was a card pack pet from walmart. Never mind the fact that the judgement may cast weakness but doesn't ever....
darthjt wrote:
Heather824 wrote:
This isn't always true. I have done my judge three times and got a carbon copy of my own pet.
darthjt wrote:
When you hatch 2 pets together, you combine possible talents. So, if one of your pets has spritely, and the other does not, you can possibly get spritely on the other pet. Same goes for any possible talent.
It is never a waste of time or gold to hatch, because, even though you may still get the same pet, you get a whole new pet in different possible talents.
Actually, it is absolutely true.
My questions to you, if you are claiming me to be wrong, are:
1. What pet are you hatching your Judgment pet with. 2. How far have you trained all 3 hatchlings?
For me to be wrong, you can't be hatching a Judgment pet with another Judgment pet and you must train all 3 pets to Epic.
If you have Hatched all 3 Judgment pets with other pets and trained all 3 of those pets to Epic and gotten the exact same talents on all 3 pets, then I would be wrong, however, I doubt that this is the case.
i just hatch my hawk with my jade dragon (one of the hawk pack and the other ninja lore pack) and i just got another jade dragon with the same card, just another dragon, so the question here is what pets are good for hatching rare pets??? any help
I know what you mean the same thing happened to me But you just need the right combo that will ake the whole new pet altogether. So why not try looking up the combo pet hatching on on wizard101central. Anyway I hope this helps.