This pet is really a nice looking pet for storm. Yet with all the good possible stats with Ultra rare and Rare, Epic, it is a shame mine will give just pips and some derby traits. My second hatch, and next Hatch will be my last. I really hate to delete the triton pet but it is going nowhere. I get better service from My Damp Demon with two blades and pips and damage with shields. Yes my old pet is very hard to beat and believe it or not it came this way from hatch. I have hatched other pets with it but for some reason the Damp Demon comes out instead of the other pet. I hatched with a storm pet and got another damp demon. Never fails. I will hatch the damp demon with the Triton and see what outcome I get. But I am not placing much faith in the triton pet because it shows good stats but gives small traits. I mean should you get Pips with Ultra rare? To me that is a commom trait cause use to, all pets came with pips before this hatching in the game. When we only had school pets they gave you pips. Now I get pips as if it is suppose to be something really rare. I hope the triton does show better results in the third hatch because this is the last hatch other than with my Demon and if none show me good results they all get deleted and I play on with my Demon. The shame here is that we are given nice looking pets and in long run they dont increase or help us. I bet I have about 300 pets in my castle. The only ones worth anything is the ones in my Backpack.
Third hatch on triton pet no good as well. The cost of snacks and time is not worth the results of health and derby talents. This is a neat pet for storm but it just dont come up to standard like my Damp demon that gives me two blades and pips and damage. I tried to hatch Damp Demon with triton and got a lesser Damp Demon. My life pet is doing about the same as well. I have better results from my Forest lord. The Kracken pet showed good results from start but I dont use it cause I dont like the way he stands around sneezing all time. Like the life pet that dances all the time gets on your nerves. Its ok for a pet to dance and move but constant motion is a distraction. These are neat pets the new life and storm but I cant use their traits and wont spend the crowns and time to try and improve so they stay on shelf. Pets are good helpers if you can get a good pet.