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the Spritely effect?

Aug 27, 2011
how do you get your pet to learn the spritley effect? because ive been trying to get but i keep failing to.

May 03, 2011
People have written and asked about this a lot. There seems to be little consensus. Here's my take: assuming your pet can manifest spritely (some pets can, some can't--you can look this up if you're not sure), it may or may not "learn" the talent. It's completely random. Once you have a pet with spritely, though, you can try to hatch with your other pets to see if the talent carries over to the next generation. There is, as far as I can tell, absolutely no way to "make" your pet manifest spritely, no matter how hard you train certain stats or what snacks you feed. Either it will or it won't. I think people have been deluded into thinking that they can "teach" their pet this talent. That's incorrect. The only power you have, vis a vis spritely, is through hatching. And even then, your pet may not manifest spritely even if one of the parent pets has it. You just have a slightly better chance...

Oct 24, 2010
Spritely is not available to every pet.
(check out this link for all pets, and their possible attributes:
http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Basic:Pets )

Getting spritely while training is kind of random. I have several pets that could have spritely, but trained up to ancient or epic, and never got it.

Nothing guarantees that we get spritely. :(

Mar 18, 2009
noel1578 wrote:
how do you get your pet to learn the spritley effect? because ive been trying to get but i keep failing to.

1.) Look at one of the many fansites to determine if you pet can even learn Spritely.

2.) Train you pet to Epic in hopes of getting the Spritely talent.

3.) If no success, hatch your pet with another pet that has the Spritely talent and repeat step 2 with the new pet. (Hatching with the same pet as yours keeps your new pet with the same appearance, if you hatch with a different pet, you may get a different looking pet).

Mar 13, 2011
First you want to be sure you pet has the chance of getting Spritely, not all have this ability.

Then it is just luck which talents your pet gets from the pool offered to it.

This off course applies to first generation pets.

You can hatch your pet with a pet that has Spritely and there is a chance the new pet will have Spritely.

Aug 27, 2011
Jan 28, 2011
noel1578 wrote:
how do you get your pet to learn the spritley effect? because ive been trying to get but i keep failing to.

I know how you have to buy an epic bundle or other high money cards like the my fierce hound.

Jun 11, 2010
Pet talents are absoulutely random. They are pre-determined, and even if your pet can get Spritely, that does not mean it will. No matter what you feed it, no matter what games you train it in, no matter how much money you spent or how much you want it, it is completely random on whether it gets Spritely or doesn't get Spritely.

Mar 13, 2011
eggywig wrote:
Pet talents are absoulutely random. They are pre-determined, and even if your pet can get Spritely, that does not mean it will. No matter what you feed it, no matter what games you train it in, no matter how much money you spent or how much you want it, it is completely random on whether it gets Spritely or doesn't get Spritely.

Yes, talents are random. If you are dealing with a first generation pet (not hatched with another) then you have a limited list of up to 10 possible talents.

If Spritely isn't in the list then the pet will not get Spritely. Check out Wizard101 centrals listing of pets for possible talents.

You may be able to get Spritely in that type of pet by hatching with another pet that has Spritely.

Jan 21, 2010
why on earth would you raise a pet to epic to see if it learns sprightly?! 1,000 exp is way to much to train for a maybe. To raise a pet to epic when you only like one or none of it's talents is crazy! If it gets to adult and has nothing you want then breed it and if hatches a clone of itself raise the clone to adult. repeat as necessary. I train to adult, then if I like the pet I may train it to ancient. If I really like two or all three talents then I may train the pet to epic. At that point I already have what I want, raising it to epic just puts the frosting on the cake. If the last talent is horrible, that is ok because I still like the talents it already had.

Mar 18, 2009
zebulous wrote:
why on earth would you raise a pet to epic to see if it learns sprightly?! 1,000 exp is way to much to train for a maybe. To raise a pet to epic when you only like one or none of it's talents is crazy! If it gets to adult and has nothing you want then breed it and if hatches a clone of itself raise the clone to adult. repeat as necessary. I train to adult, then if I like the pet I may train it to ancient. If I really like two or all three talents then I may train the pet to epic. At that point I already have what I want, raising it to epic just puts the frosting on the cake. If the last talent is horrible, that is ok because I still like the talents it already had.

Because there is a difference in getting the perfect pet and simply getting a pet with Spritely on the cheap. Your scenario is good for breeding the perfect pet or if you have a ton of gold and just want Spritely. However, don't assume everyone has all the gold necessary to possibly do that many hatches. Although, training to epic takes awhile, it is much, much more cheaper.

Although it may take a week to get four shots at Spritely with your pet training to Epic, it doesn't cost any gold (unless you speed up with gold bought snacks or energy with crowns). Your scenario takes at least 21 hours and 30,000 gold (possibly more) to get the same four shots at Spritely. The additional farming for gold to have enough for farming might take a couple extra days too, depending on where and how long farming is going on.

I agree, your scenario is the preferred method for quickly getting a favorite pet the Spritely ability, but just saying, not everyone can go that route. Anyone can train to Epic (just crazy long and boring).

Jul 06, 2009
usually, spritely is contained by three types of pets.

1. Crown pets

2. Card pets

3. Pets that you get from your professor (School Pets)

Jan 21, 2011
I've had this problem in my early wizarding days as well. Now i have many pets with may cast spritely. Here is how I think I got most of them with may cast sprite...

1) Look up sprite casting pets via (using) w101 central wiki or w101 wikia.
2) the pets talent slots mean a lot. In almost every occasion, may cast sprite is a rare talent. Having many of these slots may increase your chances.
3) If you are in to hatching, than strive to hatch with a pet that has may cast sprite. This WILL increase your chances of getting a pet with may cast sprite. (according to some sites, they state that the higher the petigree gets a better chance at getting M.C. spells.)
4) The pets talents are most likely set when they hatch. Getting them is a game of chance.
5) Do NOT spent all your time and gold (or crowns) on ranking up your pet! For me, if my pet doesnt get sprite or an equally as good talent at an adult, I stop traning that pet and focus on hatching another. There is NO mini game in the pet pavilion that increases your chance of getting M.C. sprite. Getting it is random.
6) Every lvl 58 school pet has a slot for may cast sprite. Getting it is a game of luck.

Good luck on your spritely hunt! :-)


Jun 05, 2011
If you want a pet w/ the spritely talent then just breed your pet w/ someone whos pet knows thast talent. If your pet iherits the trait, you should be able to tell, the trait, Spritely, is usually the 5th talent down and it is rare.

Rebecca Smith, lvl 43 Life

Jun 10, 2010
barakaboy123 wrote:
If you want a pet w/ the spritely talent then just breed your pet w/ someone whos pet knows thast talent. If your pet iherits the trait, you should be able to tell, the trait, Spritely, is usually the 5th talent down and it is rare.

Rebecca Smith, lvl 43 Life

thank jeffrey strongstalker lvl 70 balance

Sep 15, 2009
another easier way to get it is to buy the pets from celestia like starfish they cost about 10k ounce you get spritely hatch it with your other favorite pets and see if you can get your favorite pet to cast it! :D

Mar 11, 2011
Every single one of my pet has spritely . AKA may cast sprite spell. There is no possible way in the world to make it cast sprite. The only way is to buy the $39 mega game cards. It is just luck, no way to make it cast it.

Trigger= any one casting an attack spell.(owner's team or enemy's team)

P.S my life minotaur just got spritely.