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Jun 25, 2010

I am wondering how to get sprite or any healing spell on my pet. Currently i am leveling up my Judgement. She is an adult right now. It's pretty evenly balanced, no one trait has an big advantage on any others. She gives me some health and some mana. I however and a little sad, i have a sea dragon. It's epic and its good. It gives me resistance, accuracy, damage points, and the spell tower. But now i see so many wizards with sea dragons that randomly heal them. I took a break from w101 a few weeks after celestia and i rejoined 2 or 3 weeks ago. Thanks for reading!

Jonathan Walker Transcended Sorcerer
Jonathan Lifehunter Master Necomancer

Jul 03, 2010
irishjonny wrote:

I am wondering how to get sprite or any healing spell on my pet. Currently i am leveling up my Judgement. She is an adult right now. It's pretty evenly balanced, no one trait has an big advantage on any others. She gives me some health and some mana. I however and a little sad, i have a sea dragon. It's epic and its good. It gives me resistance, accuracy, damage points, and the spell tower. But now i see so many wizards with sea dragons that randomly heal them. I took a break from w101 a few weeks after celestia and i rejoined 2 or 3 weeks ago. Thanks for reading!

Jonathan Walker Transcended Sorcerer
Jonathan Lifehunter Master Necomancer

The only sure way I got a Spritely pet was to buy it, I was amazed and so pleased when the first bundle came out and that the Fierce Hound got this at teen, on my first wizard I was around level 40 when it came out and was also around the time my good friends were dropping off game and I had to solo more. Second bundle - snake in basket also gets it at teen, bought this for both grand kids.

Other pets in game also can get this talent but I have been though a few Jellyfish, Starfish etc and have not had luck. I have tried hatching but out of 5 only 1 got spritley by adult. I have seen Jellyfish and Starfish with Spritely so it is possible just not for me.

A great pet guide to all first generation pets is at:


Supposedly all level 58 pets have the ability to get Spritely but so far on my death and myth at adult those pets do not have it, my Forest Lord pet did but hatching with him only netted me another life only Forest Lord pet so won't gamble there any more. The 2 pets I would like to hatch to this are my Glacial cat and Astral Judge but having no luck there. If you don't buy mega snacks training a pet can become quite boring so I am not very good at getting my pets past adult.