i think Solstice64just doesn't like pets, anyways on my opinion its too soon for level 68 pets. It might turn out like level 58 pets waiting for another side world to get the pet like Wintertusk.
Yes we don't have level 8 pets, or level 18 pets, or level 28 pets, or level 38 pets. I don't think we need those pets (I never use them anyways.)
When you can buy better pets.
i think Solstice64just doesn't like pets, anyways on my opinion its too soon for level 68 pets. It might turn out like level 58 pets waiting for another side world to get the pet like Wintertusk.
True and true. It was nearly 7 months after CL that lvl 58 pets came out. Maybe, it may be the same case for ZF.
yes we should and here are some that could be for each school with a version for boys and girls of the school
storm pink dolphin for girls storm shark for boys
fire lava puppy ( a puppy made out of lava) for the girls lava gobler ( looks like a gobler made out of lava) for the boys
ice adult wooly mammoth ( not age the name) for boys baby wooly mammoth ( not age the name) for girls
balance blue scorpion for boys pink scorpion for girls
death ghostly boy vampire for boys ghostly girl vampire for girls
myth balisic dragon for boys medusa for girls
life boy ghomes for boys girl gnomes for girls
hope ya liked these ideas and i hope ya dont mind me giving ideas for the 68 pets
p.s. to the person right below you
there is kinda a pet for level 8 the level 7 pet lol
I didn't intend for ideas... lol. Besides, with the boys are girls, don't forget about the shared bank!
We have lvl 48 pets, don't we? We have lvl 58 pets, don't we? So wouldn't lvl 68 pets be a good idea?
Getting level 68 pets. That's overpowered. I know we get level 58 pets, and they're already pretty good. Getting new pets, now, getting a Chimera pet. Doesn't that seem overpowered? Since they always boost up the damage. Getting a Sirens pet would be a big OH NO. How would you get a volcano pet? Basilisk pet, a little overpowered. Gnomest pet, too much damage, plus they'd boost up the dispel amount possibly. Katzenstein's Monster pet wouldn't work. Whooly Mammoth, it would be too much, really. The damage for the spells are already a little over the top I'd say. Balance=930 Storm= 915 maximum, Fire= around 900-1000, Myth=13__, Life=8__, Ice=7__-8__, Katzenstein's Monster= 9__. I've lost to a level 70 easily, 4000 damage with Sirens. 1 blade, and critical. I didn't block and then I got doomed. Well, that's my point of view.