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"Solar Aegis Trained" Pet Talent Not Working

Aug 07, 2010
I have the "solar aegis trained" talent on my pet, and I have the talent unlocked using the talent tokens so it is available in battle. But when I'm in a battle and have the option to select the willcast, after selecting the will cast card it doesn't let me select a target to place it on. So essentially I cannot use the talent or cast the card. With other willcasts like the storm assistant or frozen kraken trained, when you select the card the enemies have a purple effect over them to select which enemy to target , just like when casting your own spell, you select and then pick your card for the turn. With solar aegis its a card you would cast on yourself or a teammate so I would assume you and your teammates would have the purple effect like when picking who to cast a ward on. But after selecting the will cast card in battle no targets light up to pick for it to cast on. I've tried multiple scenarios and can't get to use the card/ability. I was looking for maybe some help or to alert KI to this issue so it can be fixed.

Dec 23, 2014
Yea, Solar Aegis isn't working. I've tryed all sorts of different things to try to get it to work but it just won't. KI, it would be nice if you would respond with an answer, even if it's just a "we'll look into it"

Apr 01, 2013
Please, please, please, look into this. Would be nice if we could get the talent to work somehow. We spent so much time, energy, snacks, and reagents that we would like to know if there is some trick (other then the one you seem to be pulling on us) to get it to work. Silence may be thought as golden, Not in this case, Please respond.