So I have a quick question, as I am new to the whole 'pet-who-have-talents' group. I have a giraffe who may cast spritely and she's a teen. If I age her up will she lose that ability or will it still be there, among other new talents?
Thanks and sorry if that's a unsmart question but I'm new to this
You will keep the talent on that pet unless you hatch a new pet. You could have a chance of getting something the pet you hatched with had while keeping some of your old pets talents.
So I have a quick question, as I am new to the whole 'pet-who-have-talents' group. I have a giraffe who may cast spritely and she's a teen. If I age her up will she lose that ability or will it still be there, among other new talents?
Thanks and sorry if that's a unsmart question but I'm new to this
You never lose the talents your pets already have, there are just the possibilities of adding more.
Each level - teen - adult - ancient - epic - mega - unlocks one talent and one derby ability. You will not lose any. So if your giraffe has spritely at teen, it will always have it and will gain some other skills.
If your giraffe is original (first generation) these are the talents you could unlock. It is chance which ones you will get.
One your pet gets to adult you can keep training, and / or hatch with someone to get an additional pet with different talents. Hatching usually costs about 40,000 to 50,000 gold. If you like the potantial talents on the giraffe you can keep going. If not, you'll want to hatch with a pet that has the talents you most want.