pets that do nothing, stray piggle, blue cyclops and some dragons and others you buy at the shopping store in wiz city. i have nothing against them but when i see players leveling these critters and then asking for other players to hatch with them, it saddens me. if they are going to level them, at least give them a shield, trap or better yet spritely, when epic. reward the players for their endurance.
With some luck, they can be useful to the right characters (assuming the Wiki is fairly accurate.)
The dragon may gain Mana Gift to increase a wizard's mana, and can be particularly useful to a Balance wizard, potentially adding Accuracy, Power, and Resistance for Balance.
The Blue Cyclops has similar potential abilities, but relating to the school of Ice.
The Stray Piggle doesn't have Mana Gift, so its use is limited to the general wizard. However, it can benefit a Myth wizard with Accuracy, Power, and Resistance to Myth.
(My Ice Wizard is enjoying her epic Queen Spider, with Mana Gift, Ice-Shot, and Ice-Giver. If only Ice Trap would trigger...)
pets that do nothing, stray piggle, blue cyclops and some dragons and others you buy at the shopping store in wiz city. i have nothing against them but when i see players leveling these critters and then asking for other players to hatch with them, it saddens me. if they are going to level them, at least give them a shield, trap or better yet spritely, when epic. reward the players for their endurance.
Perhaps an Ancient Stray Piggle is more rare than some dropped pets????
pets that do nothing, stray piggle, blue cyclops and some dragons and others you buy at the shopping store in wiz city. i have nothing against them but when i see players leveling these critters and then asking for other players to hatch with them, it saddens me. if they are going to level them, at least give them a shield, trap or better yet spritely, when epic. reward the players for their endurance.
KUDOS!!!! I Hate only getting good Derby talents on my firecat!! It makes me miserable, knowing that nobody is going to hatch with her to give the egg a shield or what. I stopped at adult because I couldn't take it. Derby racing is fun, but not as fun as battling alongside your pet.
When the add came out for the pet pavilion, I was excited, thinking my Millie could attack the enemy. Well, I got awfully confused and disappointed when she didn't.
Woop-dee-doo, and if someone lands a "Life ain't fair" on me, guess what? This isn't life. It's a computer game.
Sometimes when I have extra gold I will go to the pet pavillion and ask if anyone wants to hatch. I don't even care what they use. I just list the adults I currently have in my pack. Most often I get a yes, but sometimes nobody is interested. It would be nice if there was an active in-game system to find people who were currently logged in and wanting to hatch a pet.