i just got a earth walker and it had a card with it , its from the school of life do i have to be in that school to use the card? or how do i use it it comes up in battle but no matter how long i wait to try to use it i cant
What school are you? My other question is does it give a card at baby or do you have to train it up? I have a Christmas elf that is fire school that gives a card at baby. I have no trouble using it on my life wizard.
i just got a earth walker and it had a card with it , its from the school of life do i have to be in that school to use the card? or how do i use it it comes up in battle but no matter how long i wait to try to use it i cant
i think the walker comes with it at baby, but also, do you have it equiped? a way you can check to see if the card is in your deck is to press "p" on your keyboard(no text chat) and then look at the main page, at the bottom there is a strip or to of slots, if that has an earth walker card in it, then its in your deck.
i just got a earth walker and it had a card with it , its from the school of life do i have to be in that school to use the card? or how do i use it it comes up in battle but no matter how long i wait to try to use it i cant
You do not have to be a Life wizard to buy/use this pet or pet card. You're suppose to have the earthwalker card at baby with this pet. This spell card should appear on your side deck (along with wand spells and other equipment spells) when you equip your wizard with this pet. When the card randomly comes up, you can use it as long as you have the required pips to cast it - which is 5, I think. So if Life is not your main school, it may take time to get the pips to use it.