Pets you get from your teachers at level 48 or 58 can get a Hybrid.
I was just wondering what do you get of a Satyr and Judge?
I have a Adult Satyr and was wondering what I would get if I hatched it with a Judge.
Anyone who wants to hatch with me, just quote my message and I'll check back later.
According to the wiki, nothing except a Satyr or a Judgement. But, if you mix a Forest Lord with a Judgement you might get an Astral Judge. Or a Humongo Frog and a Judgement. You can only mix a level 48 pet with another level 48 pet, or a level 58 pet with another 58 pet. Not a level 48 with a 58.
Pets: Am I missing something here? I have spent countless thousands hatching pets and NEVER get the Hybrid. Yesterday I mixed my Ancient Orthrus with an Adult Hydra and guess what I got??? ANOTHER Orthrus. I am now the owner of SIX Orthrus. What am I supposed to do with them since they are school specific? What am I doing wrong? Help please... This is only one example, I have Wizards in all but the Life school :(