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Pet Inventory

Jul 19, 2017
Recently I did an inventory of my pets and compared the numbers against the numbers in the "Badges" section of my spell book. Needless to say, there was a respectable difference in numbers. Contacting Support and following their instructions, I learned that only different types of pets are recognized and given credit for and that duplicates do not count, despite the fact that within the pet badges section it is stated xx of xx COLLECTED pets, not xx of xx TYPES of pets. Contacting support once again, I learned that the developers created this and that support cannot do anything about it. This raises the question that each badge that is posted within the player's spell book reflects the time, effort, and dedication spent to achieve these badges. So, isn't the same time, effort, and dedication also expended to achieve the pets and thusly be recognized as such by giving the player credit for these achievements? If curious, go to your spell book and activate the badges tab. Click on the pets subsection and read the badges. probably the last one will say, (in my case), 27 of 50 collected pets. According to the developers, I have been given credit for 27 different types of pets and not the 50 total pets. This means that 23 of those 50 are duplicates and are not worthy of being recognized and credited despite the time, effort, and dedication put forth in obtaining them, i.e. gifts, drops, hatching, and purchases. Is this fair and just? That decision is yours to make. Can something be done? Yes. This posting is one way. There are more radical paths to follow but that, again is your choice to make.

May 03, 2010
Mainiac7209 on Aug 13, 2018 wrote:
Recently I did an inventory of my pets and compared the numbers against the numbers in the "Badges" section of my spell book. Needless to say, there was a respectable difference in numbers. Contacting Support and following their instructions, I learned that only different types of pets are recognized and given credit for and that duplicates do not count, despite the fact that within the pet badges section it is stated xx of xx COLLECTED pets, not xx of xx TYPES of pets. Contacting support once again, I learned that the developers created this and that support cannot do anything about it. This raises the question that each badge that is posted within the player's spell book reflects the time, effort, and dedication spent to achieve these badges. So, isn't the same time, effort, and dedication also expended to achieve the pets and thusly be recognized as such by giving the player credit for these achievements? If curious, go to your spell book and activate the badges tab. Click on the pets subsection and read the badges. probably the last one will say, (in my case), 27 of 50 collected pets. According to the developers, I have been given credit for 27 different types of pets and not the 50 total pets. This means that 23 of those 50 are duplicates and are not worthy of being recognized and credited despite the time, effort, and dedication put forth in obtaining them, i.e. gifts, drops, hatching, and purchases. Is this fair and just? That decision is yours to make. Can something be done? Yes. This posting is one way. There are more radical paths to follow but that, again is your choice to make.
Personally, it makes complete sense that you only receive the different badges for collecting multiple pet types(including hybrids). To put it into perspective I hatch around 4-5 pets a week between around 5 different characters, I have hundred upon hundreds of pets all on my main life character placed in houses or trashed. However, I only have around +150 different pet bodies collected. So yes it does make sense as to why the developers would chose to have the badges apply to pet bodies collected and not pets collected as some people would easily have far more than the highest cap on the badges and it makes the badges more difficult to acquire.

Hope this clears up any confusion

Jul 19, 2017
Greetings Survivor,

Thank you for your post. It indeed adds a positive spin to the discussion although it doesn't clear the air. I am just looking for clarification. I do agree with you and see your point, but I am pointing out that the badge notification says xx of xx collected PETS. Reading this at face value, one would think that all pets collected/hatched would and should be recognized and given credit. Based on what K.I. and you are stating, the notifications within the badges page should read is xx of xx collected TYPES This would clear any question as far as the differences between what the K.I. developers recognize/credit and actual inventory. Also, this would reinforce what the pet tome has.

Like you, the hope that this post helps to clear any confusion and/or misunderstandings.

Apologies for the memes. Went a bit crazy with them.