Yes they should just take the timer out. Atleast it isnt 24 hours anymore. I also wish they would make it so we could use crowns to instance hatch the egg..
First off, the last time I used the hatchery, (last week) it was still 24 hours between uses.
Now think about this. With over 10,000,000+ players of this game (and not all of them are in the US), and everyone that is hatching or wants to hatch with no time restriction, HOW LONG do you think it would be before the servers CRASHED with that much data going through them?
The same thing applies to crafting. Some things take a very few minutes or can take several hours for the cool down.
All time restrictions in this game is there for a reason. We may not agree with it, but your own personal computers could not handle that much data.
As we have seen through the Headmasters announcements and even on the launch page of the game, KI has been doing a lot of upgrades to their servers. They plan on being finished sometime in April but even so, I think time restrictions for the most part will remain in place.
KI has done a GREAT JOB with the developement of this game. There are things that some may not like and others do. But unless it is a bug that is creating problems for you to play then some things should be left alone. Yes, KI does welcome ideas and I am sure they will look at all possibilities.
Don't get me wrong. I am all for new Ideas myself, but I also look at the risks that can arise out of making some changes. And unless you have access to an ungodly amount of gold or use crowns to buy gold, you could not hatch a new pet more than a few times before you would be gold BROKE.
I hatched just before I posted the last time. The timer for me was only 12 hours. I am a subscriber so maybe that is why?
I am a subscriber, If you look, you can see my join date.
I hatched 3 pets last week. I have also been having a lot of problems in the pet pavilion and now other areas of the game so I have not been back in the pet pavilion.