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No Cost Field in Hatch Menu

Dec 20, 2009
In the Hatch menu, when I try to breed with another player, the cost of the match is not included. I do not even know how off in gold I am for the egg. I can say that with the costs and the shakiness of this mess that I am really losing any interest in the whole pet thing. I have no idea why Wizards would add this to the game and then make it totally impossiible to enjoy. Not to say that I would have rather breeded more than once. I could see making the amount being a bit more for a hatch, or maybe a time limit put on how often a pet can breed or both. But 80k is months of playing 24/7 or breaking out the credit card to get gold. I would think this would kind of anger parents. Supposed to be a kids game but they have made it to where Daddy is harassed for money for a bunch of pixxles representing a pet.

Kind of shameful. I can understand wanting to make money. But use some discretion

May 19, 2009