Can anyone tell me about these pets and what talents and abilities they may have. I am interested in them but can't find much information on them.. Thanks
Honestly, use wiki for storm lords sake. No offense, but its annoying threads that just make me wanna throw a brick at someone. Use wiki. Not hard. -_-
PS: Dont question me on the raven, I dont know much about it, and if wiki doesnt know much, dont bother your friends either. Just wait a little and see when information comes out.
One of my wizards has a dread grimoire pet. In her many attempts to get one with spritely, there are several of them in her home flying around. Enough that she's shared with her "sisters". None have spritely so far. Some have been trained to ancient with no sign of it showing up.
Another of my wizards has a wolfhound she was able to hatch with someone's more powerful fairy pet. this mix is a hound with spritely.
Ronster55: I do have a little knowledge, enough to know to google the pets and how to check wiki and at the time there was NO INFORMATION on either of the pets, that is WHY i came to the message boards. I wasn't going to spend $10 on a pet i knew nothing about- and that is what the message boards are for. A suggestion for you: If post and qusetions people have on the boards upset you so greatly maybe you should stay off the boards?? I find it hilarious that you go on to rudely tell me to check wiki- but then you had attached 2 links?? ( that i have already seen ) thanks but no thanks.. The poster after you answered my questions perfectly.
Thanks ssss55123 your post was very helpful.. I too was also wondering about spritely and wasn't able to find any information on them, and wasn't about to spend 10 on a pet I knew nothing about. :)