Hello! Me and my friends made new pet ideas to post, here they are!
pegasus (Julia Wildblade made it up) princess kitty ( Chelsea Stormthistle) cat-dog deathshark (me) celestian golem (me) zebra lion pixies(every school even astral) bone dragon wyvern mount inspired reindeer turkey candycane giraffe (me) sandbird ostrich goblins(every school) seahorses living christmas trees(julia wildblade) new henchman inspired(all them) death cyclops unicorn for each school watermole gremlin thing death draconian kol shadowsong rams starry dragon tiger lion lioness ice raven lobster ancient koi manta ray black stallion
I like the idea of new pets and if you are gonna make more could you make a death unicorn or even a ice shark thank you for your time and i hope that some day i will see some one running around boasting about any of of my pet ideas or any other new pets.
Hi, I think you should put the pet on your mount if your riding a mount. The pet should be like sitting on the mount with you because I really like my Fierce Hound alot. I also would love a gingerbread pet that can give you a card if you make it can you give credit for my idea?
Try a Timber Wolf that gives a new spell Wolf! Attacks same as heck hound but only it's body color is grey and the trim is white. 5 pips death 540-630. :D