I would like to hear your ideas of cool new pets! Some of my ideas- -Thundersnake, gives 1 card- Thundersnake, 125-165 storm damage, 1 pip. Stormsqall egg, hatches in 12 hours. -Regenerate hand, gives 1 card- Regenerate, 76+1001 health over 3 rounds, 5 pips. Whatever most life eggs are called(lol I forget), will hatch in 15 hours. -Darkflame cat(mix of firecat and black cat), gives 1 card- Darkflame cat, X damage + 999 over 3 rounds, X pips, one pip does 100 base damage. School the damage deals is based on the school of the pet. The pet as dropped is either fire or death, 50/50 chances. Comes as Necromantic egg(death) or Radiant egg(fire). The egg will hatch in 15 hours. *pet looks like a black cat with a fiery aura surrounding its paws(sort of like nightmare), a fiery mane, red eyes, and fire on the tip of its tail. I will post more of my own ideas when I come up with them.
Another idea: Skeletal Snake, death, gives 1 card- Skeletal snake, 250 damage + 666 over 3 rounds to all enemies, 5 pips. Looks like the skeletal snakes from the Doodle Doug minigame.