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Life Oni Pet drop

May 31, 2009
I have been farming Life Oni for a week now trying for his pet drop. Has anyone gotten the pet as a drop in a while? I am using two accounts and two storm wizards, I can kill Oni in about two rounds. I was wondering if I am killing him too fast or if using two storm wizards on him will affect the pet drop.
I do not like Hydra as a school pet and was trying for the pet for my Balance wizard. Also, Is there a better Balance pet in the game other than Hydra and The pet Oni drops?

Mar 18, 2009
Darkblood1 wrote:
I have been farming Life Oni for a week now trying for his pet drop. Has anyone gotten the pet as a drop in a while? I am using two accounts and two storm wizards, I can kill Oni in about two rounds. I was wondering if I am killing him too fast or if using two storm wizards on him will affect the pet drop.
I do not like Hydra as a school pet and was trying for the pet for my Balance wizard. Also, Is there a better Balance pet in the game other than Hydra and The pet Oni drops?

I would consider Judgement, Evil Sandman and Snake in a Basket as better pets. Others may have additional suggestions.

Jan 28, 2009
Same Boat here with not alot to do ingame atm I farm pets to raise and hatch.

Been trying to get Oni pet and Spectre pet both bosses seem to be extremely stingy I have killed Jade Oni around a 100 times in last couple days other drops housing, gear etc but no pet.

I use Judgement as pet on my balance Just made a new one (70) with Sharpshot and spritely so far.

But thought Oni would be cool cause balance oni card and maybe some intersting future hatchings.

I checked a couple places and it is still listed as a drop so i will continue to try .

Good luck in your endeavor hope you get soon

May 31, 2009
Been a week now almost, I have been home all day for last two weeks Farming Oni for sometimes 9 hours straight still no pet drop, this is why I posted this. I have killed him so much and sold all his gear that my wizards are at their top level in gold. I know the game wants us to purchase the pets with crowns but there should be a point where you can win it in a drop.
I wont buy the pet because of the past experiences I have had with buying pets. Right now I have a Saytr that will give me life accuracy and cast a death trap. Well I am life not death what use do I have for a death trap on my life wizard? The Saytr will be deleted after this posting and will try again for a good school pet for my life wizard. Still I try to get a drop from Oni in hopes it will turn out to be a good balance type pet. He will probably give me a fire blade and yet I got him for balance.
The whole pet thing is messed up when it comes to fighting. This is why I say, Damage and pips is what I look for. I have a good pet that gives a storm blade but has damage in fire What good is he to a wizard? I might add, I dont take on a secondary school at all. Never have since i played the game.
All my wizards are strickly their school except for enhancement cards like Monster and Keen eyes. If you want a challange, play the game with no secondary school, use no spells except those given to you. But when it comes to pets, you will have a time of it. Out of school benefits are not a benefit to me at all.

Jan 18, 2009
you sound like you're randomly training random pets hoping to get something cool. I hate to break it to you but that isn't really going to get you any where. next pet you get look it up on petnome.com to see what talents it can get for a first gen and then train specific stats only till you get the skill you're looking for. for example, not all pets can get the spritely talent untill its been mixed with another pet that has it or can get it. for pets that can get spritely you have to train up agility a lot and even then you might have to wait till epic to get it.

May 31, 2009
I have been leveling the sea dragon I stay away from agility in treats. I use only those benefits in treats that will increase the chances of mana boost Pip boost and Damage, If you look at it right there is only one trait you want to keep away from and I forget what it is called but it is the foot. All others give the pet a chance at something that may benefit you in a fight.
So far I have leveled the Sea Dragon almost to epic, it is a second Generation pet. It gave me sprite, Pip and Pierce card. Well I hope the epic will be Damage. If it isnt I guess I will continue to hatch the pet.
On other hand I leveled a Wild claw first one no hatch. I did the same but the talents were for all Derby except one. Dont know if I will trash it or hatch. I have two accounts and hatch the sea Dragon between them at times and then again stay in one account at times.
I hatch a Storm Demon that gives a storm blade and a Balance Blade, called "Blade Flurry" I hatch this with Stormzilla with hopes the Blade Flurry will carry over. To me traits like two blades are very good for your wizard. Because it does not have to pull one from Treasure and plus in a fight I often do not place a storm blade in my deck the pet gives it to me.
I see the good in pets, but I see the waste of time also. I love stormzilla and would love to have one that gave a Blade, Pip and Damage you can keep the 4th talent just give me these. By reading post here I better understand how to level a pet, BUT, Its Keeping the lesser pets as prospect to hatch or deleteing them. I have I bet 20 wildclaws and every one is at my Palace. I dont know what to do with them. Cost too much to level them all. In time I guess I will level two talents and keep the ones showing good traits and delete or sell the ones that dont.
The Sea Dragon is turning out to be a better pet, the original started out not to be. The second Generation is showing better talents.

Aug 12, 2009
Jade Oni (Balance Pet) is one of the Rarest pet drops in the game along with Storm Hound (Storm Pet from Malistaire). Both of these however are available for crowns.

@Darkblood1 - A pet's talents are automatically selected when the pet hatches. No matter what snacks you feed it or what stats you stay away from, you cannot influence what 'skills' your pet will get as it grows up. You can preview your pets skills in the Test Realms if you have them in Live before the copy is made for the Test.

May 31, 2009
Looks like if the pets talents are randomly selected before hatching and it doesnt matter what treats you feed them to encourage other traits, then I just need to stop hatching and looking because randomly I probably will not get a pet that was not designed for derby. This type pet seeems to be the ones I am getting. Glad you told me that it doesnt matter on treats and traits because I was thinking along this line of thought. The game is not clear on Pets so you are in the dark.
I will continue to delete and level Like I did before, Because I have no need for pets showing Derby traits. Plus I will level them on cheaper treats as in the past time makes no difference in leveling to me. It can take two weeeks to get to Teen and it will not bother me because why be in a rush.
My Jade Oni pet drop I got that seems to be a rare drop, is showing Derby Talants right from start. Hard as I fought to get him, one more bad talent he will go. Because when two talents are gone for Derby, the next two even if they are not Derby do not benefit enough to use the pet. I figure I need to get least three talents for fighting from a pet. If three dont show, the pet is gone. You can speak about first generation pets and maybe later in hatching it will get better, well maybe it might maybe it wont. I wont travel down that randon path. Like buying something from a store, Maybe it will work maybe it wont. You take your chances Randomly, I rather not buy the item.
Shame pets are not diffferently set. I wish you could buy a fighting pet and a derby pet. Then you have a choice in what you will get and what you will hatch with.

Jan 29, 2010
To get good talents either hatch with a known good pet or use the higher level pets to hatch with. Sea dragon I believe has the hightest dna score so the highest possible talents. I have made a few nice pets (ones I like for looks) by hatching with sea dragons or for storm, spinyfish. You wont always get the same talents or hatch as adults but try and try again is what you are doing now. Some of my better pets even make copies of themselves so hatch good talents with good talents and you may get lucky. 2 accounts and 9 legends; can't even try to count pets. Oh sea dragon is a drop in final dungeon of celestia.