So I am slowly learning my way around pet hatching. I know that talents are random, but that they can be "inherited" through hatching. I've also heard it said that manifested talents will transfer more readily, i.e., are more likely to be inherited, than unmanifested (and therefore still unidentified) talents. I'd like to know what all you experienced pet people think about this assumption. Because if it's accurate, then it's obviously better NOT to level a pet with a good talent (that you want to transfer to other pets though hatching) beyond adult--or whenever it manifests the talent. Case in point: I have a Nightmare that got Unicorn at teen. Shouldn't I just get her to adult, then begin hatching with her, for the surest chance of passing the Unicorn talent on?
I have noticed that when you hatch with someone their are more then one possible pet you can get,and when that does happen i never get the pet that i want. So my question is can you guys make a system that allowes us,so when we hatch their is a choose on what pet you want?
I now think I was wrong about this. I suspect that the unmanifested (latent) talents--those that WOULD appear if you trained your pet to Epic, count as "manifested" for hatching purposes. So while one can certainly save on pet snacks, training, etc, by hatching as soon as a desired talent appears (Unicorn, for example), that doesn't mean that the other talents your adult Nightmare would get if trained to Epic are not in play. Here's what happened with my hatch: I hatched my Epic Spinyfish (talents: Spell Proof, Storm Tooth (card), Spritely, and Pips o Plenty) with my Adult Nightmare (talents: Unicorn, Death blade) and got a Nightmare with, wait for it...Feint Card and Storm Tooth Card at adult. Ugh. Two card talents, so a useless hatch. But it suggests to me that if I trained my original Nightmare past adult, it would get the Feint card talent. Right? So I probably won't train it any further.
Hope this wasn't too opaque--anyway, I seem to have answered my own question...
Well you said you got feint but that spell was not listed in your pets abilities. We know Nightmares can develop that at as a first generation spell, so looks like your nightmare developed Spinyfish and Nightmare talent.
Personally, I'd start a new hatch.
Good luck!
FYI - I'm trying to train Spritely and Unicorn into the same Nightmare. Let me know if you want to meet up and hatch, I have an adult Nightmare with spritely manifest :)
Manifested talents have a higher probability of being inherited, not a guarantee...
Some pets, get, what I call, a dominant talent... This dominant talent can be passed on from pet to pet, those have the highest chance of being passed, around 90% or so...
Some pets don't have dominant talents and have a 60% chance of just passing manifested talents, which still leaves 40% chance of passing random talents...
Still, if both parents have the same talent, say may cast unicorn, the chances of the offspring of getting that talent, should be somewhere between 60 and 70%... Still leaves 30 to 40% that the offspring wont get that desired talent...
Hope I have shed a little light on hatching and talents!