I took my balance wizard and my life wizard, both, to the pet pavilion and hatched a satyr with a hydra. Both pets are first generation. I looked up both possible hybrids to see what they could turn out to be. Ok, so my balance wizard got a symmetrical egg, and when I look up it's stats in her backpack, it says that it gives one hydra card at baby. Well, both the hydra and the reaver say they give a hydra card at baby, so I don't know yet what she's gotten.
When I look at the egg my life wizard got, however, it says it is a Jade egg, but does not say it gives any kind of card at baby. Yet, both the satyr and the wanderer say they give a card at baby. So is it possible she ended up with something entirely different than either the satyr or wanderer? Or is this just a glitch?