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How to avoid pointless pet stat talents

Jul 09, 2012
I need some help here. I am almost done with pets altogether. I want a pet without the utterly useless pet stat talents...how do I know they are worthless? Good question, I'll explain...my pet had Careful...and after my exhaustive work of levelling to epic, I got Gifted for my efforts. So after I stopped crying I thought, well maybe my accuracy talents can be better now, after all, its boosted by pet stats, right? No. I maxxed out all pet stats and guess what...no change at all. So I again go into another pet rage and decide I'll hatch another pet. First talent: Tenacious. So I hatch another...first talent: Crafty. So I hatch another, first talent: Gifted.

I can't take it anymore. I simply can't make the time investment into another epic Crafty. I don't need anything fancy. I don't need to have the sprite talent or whatever else is considered "strong", just something...anything...other than Crafty, Gifted, etc...Please tell me how to avoid these, there has to be a way. I just want death-shot really. I have 2 pets that can "potentially" get it...but I don't have hours and hours to play pet games, gold, and crowns to invest- until I learn how to avoid those worthless, useless, pointless, ridiculous, demoralizing pet stat talents.

I have read too many posts on this and other forums of players describing their pet talents and they never decribe Tenacious...and I know people arent just throwing away time and money on a gamble...I refuse to believe anyone would be that obtuse. Thank you.

Feb 24, 2009
What are you hatching? First gen pets usually are that way.

Feb 28, 2011
Definitely sounds likes you need to hatch with another wizard who has a pet beyond first generation. Usually there is someone in the pet pavillion that will hatch with you. If not, follow up on this and we can set up a time to. I have several I can hatch with you that have never had the "pet stat" talents your talking. We'll breed them right out.

jawgoat wrote:
I need some help here. I am almost done with pets altogether. I want a pet without the utterly useless pet stat talents...how do I know they are worthless? Good question, I'll explain...my pet had Careful...and after my exhaustive work of levelling to epic, I got Gifted for my efforts. So after I stopped crying I thought, well maybe my accuracy talents can be better now, after all, its boosted by pet stats, right? No. I maxxed out all pet stats and guess what...no change at all. So I again go into another pet rage and decide I'll hatch another pet. First talent: Tenacious. So I hatch another...first talent: Crafty. So I hatch another, first talent: Gifted.

I can't take it anymore. I simply can't make the time investment into another epic Crafty. I don't need anything fancy. I don't need to have the sprite talent or whatever else is considered "strong", just something...anything...other than Crafty, Gifted, etc...Please tell me how to avoid these, there has to be a way. I just want death-shot really. I have 2 pets that can "potentially" get it...but I don't have hours and hours to play pet games, gold, and crowns to invest- until I learn how to avoid those worthless, useless, pointless, ridiculous, demoralizing pet stat talents.

I have read too many posts on this and other forums of players describing their pet talents and they never decribe Tenacious...and I know people arent just throwing away time and money on a gamble...I refuse to believe anyone would be that obtuse. Thank you.

Jul 03, 2010
Unfortunately the first talent needed in pet training you must have and it's patience.

I have had the best luck hatching for a talent I want by hatching with another pet that has already manifested it. I have less luck hatching with my own pets then with others.

Example - I wanted spritely pets for all my wizards. I started with a Fierce Hound and my Satyr - of 5 hatches 2 got spritely by adult - don't have the time or patience to train above adult for a trait I want. Now that Mega can push these talents one more notch away I believe - like crafting has become - I will be passing on pet training from now on. There are areas of the game that are becoming more for people who have the time, gold and/or crowns to complete them.

When I got Forest Lord, he got spritely, I hatched with someone who had Astral Judge that did not have spritely manifested, that Judge did not get spritely by adult, I later hatched with a Scare Crow that had manifested spritely and my hatched Judge got spritley at adult. I did the same thing with a Glazier Cat that I hatched with Forest Lord and then with ScareCrow for my second hatch, he got Spritely at teen.

I find I spend less gold and time if I kick a pet to the curb if it doesn't not get a trait I want by Adult.

Oct 24, 2010
jawgoat wrote:
I need some help here. I am almost done with pets altogether. I want a pet without the utterly useless pet stat talents...how do I know they are worthless? Good question, I'll explain...my pet had Careful...and after my exhaustive work of levelling to epic, I got Gifted for my efforts. So after I stopped crying I thought, well maybe my accuracy talents can be better now, after all, its boosted by pet stats, right? No. I maxxed out all pet stats and guess what...no change at all. So I again go into another pet rage and decide I'll hatch another pet. First talent: Tenacious. So I hatch another...first talent: Crafty. So I hatch another, first talent: Gifted.

I can't take it anymore. I simply can't make the time investment into another epic Crafty. I don't need anything fancy. I don't need to have the sprite talent or whatever else is considered "strong", just something...anything...other than Crafty, Gifted, etc...Please tell me how to avoid these, there has to be a way. I just want death-shot really. I have 2 pets that can "potentially" get it...but I don't have hours and hours to play pet games, gold, and crowns to invest- until I learn how to avoid those worthless, useless, pointless, ridiculous, demoralizing pet stat talents.

I have read too many posts on this and other forums of players describing their pet talents and they never decribe Tenacious...and I know people arent just throwing away time and money on a gamble...I refuse to believe anyone would be that obtuse. Thank you.

Your hatches are only as good as the two pets you hatch from.
Don't waste your time or money on hatching with one that has more selfish stats than helpful.
I've gotten some good pets hatching, but the 'parents' have to be worthy.

Nov 21, 2010
May 30, 2011
what kind of pets are you using in your hatches? if your using the first gen pets from the pet shoppe boys or from the vendor in the shopping district then thats why you are getting those talents everytime you should try buying pets from the other worlds like krokotopia,marleybone,mooshu and any other world that sells pets.

Sep 16, 2011
Ronster55 wrote:
What are you hatching? First gen pets usually are that way.
It really does depend on the talents the pets that you hatch with are, so if you wanted a better pet find a pet that has the talent and hatch.

Jan 21, 2010
The higher the pet's pedigree the more likely it will have active or useful talents. I suggest finding a pet with a pedigree of at least 50. 60 is much better and seventy is truely unlikely to have talents that boost pet stats. you have to take your favorite pet and breed it with a pet of a higher pedigree. then breed the offspring with the higher pedigree pet again each time you do this, the next generation's pedigree should get closer to the higher pedigree pet's pedigree value.

hatch your piggle with a starfish. ( you can buy starfish in celestia for gold.) the result should have a pedigree higher than your starting piggle. hatch piggle2 with the starfish. the result should have a pedigree even closer to the starfish's pedigree. keep hatching each newest pigle with the star fish until you have a piggle whose pedigree is the same value as the starfish's pedigree.

May 31, 2009
I am glad to see someone here is seeing the same results as I am. I just leveled my first Triton pet up to adult on two wizards. The Talents they showed was embarassing for the efforts placed into the pet.
I hatched the two original pets hoping for maybe better traits on the first hatching, I have two accounts and two storm wizards. The first hatching is also comming out a dud. I am thinking of deleteing them and just stay with the pet i have.
But let me say this here. The game makes such nice pets, like the Triton pet, I would love to have it with my storm, But I can not get anything from it that will benefit my wizard so it never gets used maybe even deleted and then there goes a nice looking pet in the trash because it lacks the Talents you need, Its a shame.
Even if my pet had all Ultra Rare slots on it there would end up just derby talents or common talents on the pet. I will go to a third hatch on the triton but if it doesnt improve by then, I delete and just say, Sorry Game try again..... My Damp Demon is hard to beat. If I try to hatch the Demon with Triton I probably get a Demon pet out of it. I had this happen on some of my pets like Balance try hatch spritely into it, Got a life Justice pet from it. , I am not hatching beyond 3 hatches cause its too time consuming and expense.

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
jawgoat wrote:
I need some help here. I am almost done with pets altogether. I want a pet without the utterly useless pet stat talents...how do I know they are worthless? Good question, I'll explain...my pet had Careful...and after my exhaustive work of levelling to epic, I got Gifted for my efforts. So after I stopped crying I thought, well maybe my accuracy talents can be better now, after all, its boosted by pet stats, right? No. I maxxed out all pet stats and guess what...no change at all. So I again go into another pet rage and decide I'll hatch another pet. First talent: Tenacious. So I hatch another...first talent: Crafty. So I hatch another, first talent: Gifted.

I can't take it anymore. I simply can't make the time investment into another epic Crafty. I don't need anything fancy. I don't need to have the sprite talent or whatever else is considered "strong", just something...anything...other than Crafty, Gifted, etc...Please tell me how to avoid these, there has to be a way. I just want death-shot really. I have 2 pets that can "potentially" get it...but I don't have hours and hours to play pet games, gold, and crowns to invest- until I learn how to avoid those worthless, useless, pointless, ridiculous, demoralizing pet stat talents.

I have read too many posts on this and other forums of players describing their pet talents and they never decribe Tenacious...and I know people arent just throwing away time and money on a gamble...I refuse to believe anyone would be that obtuse. Thank you.

those talents arent worthless
your pet may not have big flashy pvp and pve talents but it did get a derby talent
personally i accept every pet as they are
"worthless" talents are for pet derby not pvp
nothing in the world ( and gaming )
is useless

Jan 21, 2010
Why delete them? they make nice mobile decorations for your house or doom room.

Feb 29, 2012
zebulous wrote:
Why delete them? they make nice mobile decorations for your house or doom room.

Most houses have limits as to how many things may be inside and outside.
Those hatching for a while (like me) already have 30-50 pets running around.
Others I have heard of actually have several houses full of pets.
I will try and sell mine instead, at least that gives me a little better feeling.

As to the OP, you have to start hatching with established pets that have those selfish talents bred out of them. If you cannot hatch with someone, only train pets to adult, then hatch them. Only hatch the ones that manifest useful talents too.

Many people will hatch for nothing (me included) in the pavilion. Just don't sit inside the hatchery trying to get someone to hatch, by the time someone is in there, they already have a hatching plan.
Chris Nightwraith
Transcended Necromancer
(always at the cannon game in the pavilion)

Feb 07, 2011
I feel the OP's pain, mostly because I've had horrible luck with pet talents. I'd love to keep my chimera or Judge with me, but I just can't~ there was nothing to work with.

When my sorceress was level 55-ish, I bought a starfish named Cookie from the vendor in Celestia, but didn't level him until later. He ended up with Spritely, Proof, Pip o' Plenty, and Mana Gift (as of now, he's Epic); I could do without those last two, but still good stats for a first-gen pet.

(Before that, the best pet I had was my Judge, Stella, who gave me MC Weakness, a Vengeance card, health gift, and pip o'plenty. So, yeah~ not bad at all.)

Recently, I hatched Cookie the Starfish with my friend Brynn's Polar Cat~ Kitty ended up with only one selfish talent (Spirited) but also got Sprite, Proof, and Pip Boost, and she comes with an extra blade for my Balance wizard (which she desperately needed); Cookie is now with my Storm wiz, Kitty is on her way to Mega... and Brynn and I are going to keep hatching our polar cat spawn until we breed that last selfish talent out. Then I'll start hatching with my school pets, to see what happens.

If you guys see me in the Pet Pavilion, I'd be happy to hatch with you! Good luck, OP, and everyone else still trying for a good pet ;)

-veebz (a.k.a. Laura Shadowsong)
archmage of awesomeness & pet hoarder. ;)