Me and my bro hatched my hydra with his ice colossus. I got another hydra, and he got another colossus. We both paid a lot of gold for this hatch, and were expecting on some awesome pet like you get from hatching hydra and ortheous. They are both lvl 48 pets, so why don't they at least give SOMETHING cool? If not, does anyone know something my bro could hatch with to get a nice combo pet? One last thing, I know I'm being a bit of a whiner, but does anybody else think you should at least get the other person's pet class when you hatch and you don't get a combined pet? Or is it just me?
Thanks for any help, Taryn Dragonsong Grandmaster Sorcerer
You will never get the other person's pet if your hatching with a level 48 pet, unless you are that school. However, there are some mixes that give the other person's card and look way cooler.
You will never get the other person's pet if your hatching with a level 48 pet, unless you are that school. However, there are some mixes that give the other person's card and look way cooler.
Sadly, it is only availible for myth. It only works for Myth 48 pet and Ice 48 pet gets ice hound and it gives the card ice hound to the myth guy.