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Fennec Fox? I'd Love One!

Jun 03, 2017
Hello. Can anyone hatch a Fennec Fox pet with me? I would really appreciate it! I will be on at 2:50 EST time on December 21st in the pet pavilion in Realm Ambrose Area 1! If you can, please respond with your In-Game name, and realm you would like to meet in!

Thanks in Advance!
Eric Thunder Crafter Level 91

Aug 03, 2014
Eric ThunderCrafte... on Dec 20, 2018 wrote:
Hello. Can anyone hatch a Fennec Fox pet with me? I would really appreciate it! I will be on at 2:50 EST time on December 21st in the pet pavilion in Realm Ambrose Area 1! If you can, please respond with your In-Game name, and realm you would like to meet in!

Thanks in Advance!
Eric Thunder Crafter Level 91
Hiya, of course I'll hatch the fennec fox with you!

I'll meet you in dworgyn realm at 3pm EST today (Friday), if you haven't seen this in time or can't make it, don't worry I'll try again on Saturday and Sunday same place, same time

I double checked my pools and made a mistake when I said my trip double was clean pool - that one has a dirty pool. I have others with max stats and clean pool that I have not yet taken to mega. You're welcome to either but I recommend using the clean pool (I'll keep training them up for the talents but probably won't have trip double manifested by 3pm today).

If you have text or open chat we can talk in game, but if you have menu chat we can use this code so I know which fox you want lol:

When I ask, "Have you seen any mist wood?"
if you want the clean pool fennec fox reply, "Have you seen any cattails?"
if you want the dirty pool fennec fox with trip double manifested reply, "Have you seen any frost flowers?"

Please note, I recommend the clean pool and trip double is in that pool too, it just doesn't have any bad talents in there!

See you soon in Dworgyn realm (Ambrose sometimes gets too full to select it!)

Jun 03, 2017
I am very sorry, i couldn't show. I had some.... family issues. If you could, please meet me on today at 3pm EST time. If you could,
When I say, "will you hatch a pet with me?"
Please say "im not on that quest"
ill say "hurry up"
please say "Im looking for mist wood.

Then Ill know its you :D

the realm:
Wu Area 1:
Please meet me by the pet dance game.
Thanks In advance:

Aug 03, 2014
Eric ThunderCrafte... on Jan 9, 2019 wrote:
I am very sorry, i couldn't show. I had some.... family issues. If you could, please meet me on today at 3pm EST time. If you could,
When I say, "will you hatch a pet with me?"
Please say "im not on that quest"
ill say "hurry up"
please say "Im looking for mist wood.

Then Ill know its you :D

the realm:
Wu Area 1:
Please meet me by the pet dance game.
Thanks In advance:

Good news and bad news...

Bad news - this came through moderation too late for me to see it!

Good news - We can easily rearrange AND I cleaned the bad talent out of the trip double and made a perfect trip double for you!

Meeting up - Please can we use Dworgyn realm? Wu sometimes gets too busy to make it into area 1, also I meet with other people for hatches and keeping it all in the same realm ensures I don't miss anyone

I'll go into Dworgyn realm and follow your menu-chat code at 3pm EST for the rest of the week (inc weekend) until we catch each other...

If this is not suitable let me know what time works for you instead and I'll go then instead (note I'm 5 hours ahead of EST and do occasionally sleep haha)

Aug 03, 2014
Reply to question about getting damage + resist and avoiding power pips/accuracy (from other thread). Please keep it all on here so it's easier to keep track of what has/has not been said

We'll meet to hatch, you take the baby to adult, we meet for a hatch and you use the baby from the previous one, take the new baby to adult...repeat until the stats are high and the pool is identical. There are no power pip or accuracy talents in my pool - it's clean pool with trip double manifested (as requested)

Once you have a copy of my pet, take it to adult then HATCH AGAIN. Take that to adult...

Do both have desired talents manifested? Y/N

N - hatch again using the one with nicest talents, train to adult...repeat until both parent pets have desired talents
Y - hatch your 2 perfect ones together and train the baby...if it fails re-hatch the parent pets and try again...repeat until it manifests the desired talents. During this time you can switch the pets about as they manifest other desired talents so parent pets end up with all 5 manifested, making each baby more likely to manifest the full 5 talents. Always have 2 perfect ones for hatching together and 1 in training.

We'll get there!

Jun 03, 2017
Ugh.. This is getting annoying(sorry, my forgetful brain)

How about, Monday, January 14th at 3 pm EST time. Please comment on your Realm and Area. (I'm really sorry about me forgetting, Sometimes, high school gets exhausting, I just had to do a 5 page paper in ELA)

Also, If you want, you could post a true friend code, it should appear within a few hours...

Also, if you are ever available, I need to do a few Darkmoor runs soon. Level 99 Hype!

Aug 03, 2014
Eric ThunderCrafte... on Jan 10, 2019 wrote:
Ugh.. This is getting annoying(sorry, my forgetful brain)

How about, Monday, January 14th at 3 pm EST time. Please comment on your Realm and Area. (I'm really sorry about me forgetting, Sometimes, high school gets exhausting, I just had to do a 5 page paper in ELA)

Also, If you want, you could post a true friend code, it should appear within a few hours...

Also, if you are ever available, I need to do a few Darkmoor runs soon. Level 99 Hype!
Don't worry, it's all good

Monday 14th at 3pm EST, Dworgyn realm hatchery

I'd love it if we could post TFCs but we can't because they're not just used to help people connect easier - they actually change the chat level on menu chat players. If a menu chat player connects with a TFC they can chat with that person the same as if they had text chat...so it's important that strangers are not connecting in that way or it undermines the integrity of the system's protection for younger players. (I discovered this when I first started posting on here and I gave a TFC to someone wanting a hatch and it got moderated out lol)

Jun 03, 2017
Aug 03, 2014
Woohoo! We made it!

Those wizards were all ME! You can message any of them 'Do you want to hatch a pet together' whenever you're ready for the next hatch When I see the message, if I reply 'Yes' then I'll meet you in the hatchery on Victoria (she has the pet); if I say 'Wait' then I can come but may take a few minutes...if I don't reply I haven't seen it so feel free to keep asking (sometimes harvesting plants fills my chat box and I miss things, or I am checking things online).

Just in case you didn't label them, their names are Victoria Firecloud, Melissa Stormheart and Fiona Frogfinder

You can keep me updated on how the stats and pool are looking etc on here and ask any questions too

Train the baby and give me a shout when you're ready for the next hatch - use the baby we just hatched together

Cya soon!

Jun 03, 2017
Thanks again! However, is there any easy way to get megas?

Aug 03, 2014
Eric ThunderCrafte... on Jan 17, 2019 wrote:
Thanks again! However, is there any easy way to get megas?
There's a few ways I've used in the past and also what I use now...both are viable and other people might have suggestions too.

How I do it now - stacked gardens of emps (evil magma peas) and cp (couch potatoes). I was able to make abundant gardens through the double gardening benefit and take my garden of about 12 CP and 5 EMP (I forget the exact numbers) to so many I feed excess seeds to pets for gold and XP!

How I got there:

I planted any emps and CP I had and used them - they guarantee a mega snack at elder (40-50 XP)
I also planted DHE (Deadly Helephant Ears)
I also bought (for gold) loads of prickly bear cactus from the bazaar and from the gardener guy in krok to build stacked gardens. They take more energy than CP/EMP but give decent megas throughout mature and elder to be well worth it as an interim source.

I made my gardens in different houses depending on which plant type it was, learned the trigger times and was careful to only go when plants would give me drops or needed triggers to the next stage. This amazing guide from Bugglesx helped me a ton and I used it as my basis to work out my own routine depending on the likes I had.

I also farmed Mirror Lake for Pixie Stix - 2 guaranteed on completion of each run.

When I was desperate to train and had no snacks available I bought Shanta Pudding from the bazaar. They're only +10 XP but it gets you there, especially when only training to adult or ancient.

I also farmed Winterbane Hall (get the recipe wrong too - they drop +25 XP snacks) but you are higher level than I was so Mirror Lake is preferable...for anyone who has not reached Mirror Lake this is an option though.

I also used to do a lot of fishing so used my 'spare' fish to craft snacks. I didn't go fishing for fish to craft snacks, but I got plenty of bone fish, catfish and todd poles to craft extras. Frode Silverscale in Northguard has the recipes - pick the ones you get 'spare' fish for.

I hope this helps, lmk any questions!

Jun 03, 2017
Lol i feel so stupid. I have been selling couch potatoes by the 100s

Aug 03, 2014
Eric ThunderCrafte... on Jan 22, 2019 wrote:
Lol i feel so stupid. I have been selling couch potatoes by the 100s
Noooooo! If it's any consolation, before I knew about their drops I planted some then PLOWED them because they didn't 'look pretty'

I regretted that decision for a long time...but thanks to double gardening you can replenish them through multiplying the seeds even starting with very few and build up a very healthy source of mega snacks through gardening

Let me know when you're ready for the next hatch...you can always use Shanta Puddings to get to adult

Jun 03, 2017
Victoria FireHeart on Jan 23, 2019 wrote:
Noooooo! If it's any consolation, before I knew about their drops I planted some then PLOWED them because they didn't 'look pretty'

I regretted that decision for a long time...but thanks to double gardening you can replenish them through multiplying the seeds even starting with very few and build up a very healthy source of mega snacks through gardening

Let me know when you're ready for the next hatch...you can always use Shanta Puddings to get to adult
Thanks for the pack BTW