hi Im Kayla BlueFlame of the Death School, and I was wondering are there any death pets who gives cards like the other school's pets do? Thank You in advance for answering My question.
hi Im Kayla BlueFlame of the Death School, and I was wondering are there any death pets who gives cards like the other school's pets do? Thank You in advance for answering My question.
hi this is mark battlewraith yes there is the dark fairy i have one right now 8)
Well, the 3 best death pets would be Wraith, Fierce Hound, and Jellyfish. Only the wraith gives a card, but the talents on the Hound and Jellyfish are incredible. Another one is the rare nightwalker hybrid. This is made by getting lucky on a hatch between Orthrus and Wraith. Then, the resulting hybrid must be hatched with another one. A lucky hatch will result in a Death Minotaur pet with Death Minotaur card.
Yes there are some death pets unfortunally i am a Thaumaturge, but i have some of the death pets i have the midnight sprite which i got from defeating the last boss in sunken city the dark sprite i earned the same place and the blue banshee i got it from the boss in haunted cave (i totally forgot there names my bad ) thats some pets you could get in wizard city! :-P