I know you send us out to fight dangerous monsters and such, but I was training my pet in the cannon game, and saw something I feel is a safety issue.
Much to my horror, right before the game started I saw myself standing in front of/below the cannon itself! Aren't I in danger of being blown to pieces by a malfunctioning cannon? And worse yet, aren't my poor little wizard ears being irrevocably damaged? (Yes, I know rock n roll is doing that already). How will I take instruction from my professors in class if I cannot hear them anymore? I have yet to take the upper level lip reading classes.
When the situation allows for safe procedures, shouldn't we take all the precautions we can? I've heard tales about the Orb of Ultimate Protection. If we have to stand so close to danger, maybe we ought to break the orb out.
Well, its not like a kid will scream if S/he sees it. You are being tooooooooooooo safe. losen up bit. it is a kid game. humor is intended in this game