so does any one know of any pets that have this talent that are not hatched or any thing like say it was buyed the pet or got it as a drop cause i want to know what pet or pets have cloud o' bugs so bad if you know plz answer it would be really nice if KI told me of one pet plz and thnx
I know it is a very rare thing the maycast locust swarm. And i have only ever seen one pet with it, it was someone i was dueling in PvP and he using the clockwork spider, or mechanical spider. It is a marleybone boss drop I'm sorry to say I don't know the boss that drops it but i understand it is very rare talent.
ok thanks kingurz for sending me back to my other one and the other guy you are thinking of the spider golem but i just looked up its talents it does not have such a talent
ok thanks kingurz for sending me back to my other one and the other guy you are thinking of the spider golem but i just looked up its talents it does not have such a talent
uh the clockwork spider can have this talent if ya breed it with a pet with cloud o bugs, in fact any talent is possible if ya hatch woth many kinds of pets.
anyways i dont know any pets that have this talent but maybe ya can go try to hatch one with this talent with somebody who has the talent on a adult or higher pet