I'm wanting to buy a gift card and the main reason is to get a pet. Can anyone tell me what schools the pets are from before you purchase them? I am looking for a death pet.
I'm wanting to buy a gift card and the main reason is to get a pet. Can anyone tell me what schools the pets are from before you purchase them? I am looking for a death pet.
The Gamestop card gives a Fierce Hound. (Death pet.) Trust me it's a pretty wicked pet.
I'm not sure if this will help, but if you clock on wizard101 store, you will see an option that says "gift cards". Click on that and you will see all the available gift cards, from game stop, to walgreens to Toys R'us etc. If you click on any of them you will see what pet comes with each card. If you want more information, like, what talents that pet will have, you can google search this site "petnome proyect wizard 101".
That site has information on all pets such as, what school they belong in, what cards they give, what talents they can manifest etc.
Thanks for the replies! I actually have the fierce hound (bought that gift card about a month ago and didn't want to fork out another $39) and I had it with my legendary pryo wizard. I got him to epic and you are right - he is a wicked pet. I got to thinking after I posted this that I could just put him in my shared bank and share him with my death wiz that I am working on. Duh! I don't know why I didn't think about it before.
I checked out the website petnome project and it is a great site. Thanks for the information. I have a life, ice, storm and death wizards that I work on so I will be able to look and see what pet is the best for them. Although, the fierce hound is hard to beat!!