I don't know if anyone has answered this question before or not. In Theory, should a family split up, or if a College student wanted to take their account off the family account, and the primary Account holder refuses to give you the password to move your account off, what can be done? It would be tragic for you to have worked and played for years, and have someone else that you have a bad relationship with be able with the stroke of their fingers, change your password, delete your account out of spite. What can we do in this situation? Thanks in advance for answering. Please KI, come out with a way to split from Family account to your very own paid private account. The reason I am asking is I have a friend who is disabled, yet plays a lot and loves the game, however his older brother refuses to allow him access to his own account out of pure spite. We are all adults here. He needs help and now the older brother took his other character that he worked up to 130, and I believe he has deleted it. He did this once my friend removed him from his checking account. Thank you for any help.