Hi everyone, I am wondering if MooShu is shorter than MarleyBone because I am desperate to get to DragonSpyre.
Also I was wondering if it was much less annoying :P
It turned out to be my favorite land so I did drag it out as long as I could probably taking main line story and all side quests there so it was about the same length as MarleyBone.
I found it much less annoying the MarleyBone, more relaxing, there are really only two areas where passing monsters are a real issue, cave of solitude and one of the oni dungeons tries your patience getting by water elements, which like in the cave you have to do quite a few times. I ended up using marks and teleports alot to avoid unwanted fights.
Yes take your time, i didn't enter dragonspyre till i was level 43(I think). if you don't take your time in mooshu then you will have problems in dragonspyre.