I wanted to talk about an idea that could be added with monstrology. With crafting a monstrodome, you need summon cards from Lady Blackhope, Foulgaze, and Lord Nightshade. Looking on this aspect, this crafting is not so different then crafting spells, or other housing items. Looking at some treasure cards, some spells have only ever been available through tc's. Some I can think of right away are like spider attacks, golems, and even spells like Lord Nightshade and Meowiarty. There are people that are collectors and completionists that would like to actually learn these spells. This brings me to my conclusion. What if we could craft these spells through using summon tc's and the old cast tc's?
I'm not saying that all these spells should be added. There are a lot that are just converts and some that are slightly irrelevant that could be excluded. Though, spells like Meowiarty and Lord Nightshade people would probably work to learn. Now, since these are lesser spells that only certain people would go after I would say that they would be unique recipes. Again, I would use summon tc's and cast tc's as a combination. You could also include different creatures that represent that card. Say for example balance's Fang Guardian was added. One way the recipe could be made is by making summon tc's of all three guardians up to the final guardian. On top of that the Fang Guardian tc would be required along with reagants like ancient scroll and fossil(two of the reagents gathered in krokotopia). These creates some very interesting recipes while also adding new spells. In this case, balance could get a 4 pip attack.
One thing to keep in mind though, this should be added later down the road if it is because if one or two schools were added spells, all the other schools would want some. I would continue adding monstrology spells till all animus types were available that are needed to add a "spell crafting update". As of right now, we only have a fraction of all the creatures in the game. I really do think this would benefit several aspects of the game though. It would create new spells for players, would create new crafting for players, and also probably boost the popularity of monstrology at the same time.