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Monstrology Levels and Monster Rank

Jun 17, 2012
Hi Kings Isle,

Thank you for bringing us monstrology! I think it is like having Halloween every day!
I wanted to ask a question about your wizards monstrology level vs. the monster rank you are trying to extract animus from.

I noticed that with my death wizard (100) she was working in Unicorn Way and she was level 2 monstrology. She tried to get animus from Foulgaze in Olde Town, but he is a rank 3 monster, so she did not collect because her animus level was too low.

My myth wizard (79) is currently questing in Avalon and her next quest is to defeat Catalan the Lightning Lizard, a rank 12 monster (wyrm) in Dun Dara. She is currently level 11 in monstrology so I am leveling her to 12 so she can collect animus from Catalan.

The question was how did both my storm and life wizards (53 and 65 respectively), collect undead animus from Undead Draconians in DS, The Forum during yesterday's daily assignment? My storm was level 5 monstrology and she leveled to 6 at the end of the battle. My life was level 4 monstrology and leveled to 5 at the end of the battle. The Undead Draconians are a Rank 8 monster. I was happy to collect the animus :) but is there some kind of glitch between your wizards monstrology level and the rank of the monsters?

Morgan Death Rider 100
Angela Legend 79
Danielle Shadow 53
Rowan Leaf 65

Jul 11, 2012
Hello, I apologize that this is not really related to this post but another one of yours. I saw your post in response to a post about life pets and was wondering if you would be willing to hatch. I am currently at this moment a level 15 life wizard and I'm trying to get a good life pet. I can easily get gold to hatch and if you want something in return in the form of treasure cards I would be willing to try and get what you want. Please let me know i will be paying attention to these posts to see if you respond. Thanks!