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Good Monstrology Update

Jul 03, 2010
Hello Monstrologists!

I have been thinking about a few things that could be changed in Monstrology to make it a more rewarding side activity/ more engaging side activity.

Expel change:
I believe that Expel Tc's should be AOEs because as it stands now, a single target expel tc doesn't provide many uses while a expel tc that acts as aoe could be helpful for defeat and collect quests.

Extract Spell Spellements:
I think a cool way to give monstorlogists something to do is to create spellement paths for each extraction spells. You could get these spellements from a variety of different ways, here are some examples (you could just do one of these if you want, all aren't necessary):
- Everytime you succesfully extract animus from a mob, you have a chance to get a drop of 1 - 3 spellements. The higher the rank the mob is/if the mob is a boss or not, the higher chance you have to get spellements/higher amounts of spellements
- You could have crafting recipes that require X amount of summons of X amount of mobs that will gives you 5 spellements. You could also provide recipes for 15 and 30 spellements, and then require summons for more difficult mobs of that category. That way players of all levels could craft spellements.
- A monstrology daily quest system, would be easy to implement since there are already daily assignments in the game already. The daily quest could be "Extract this mob from this location". The rewards could be a random selection of spellements from different extraction spells. The reward at the end of each row could be like, 20 minute triple animus potion or like 20 minute monstrology benefit elixir or even more spellements. Could also even add Summon tcs or Hg's as a reward too.

Now, what may these upgraded spellement paths look like? Well you could have 2 paths, one path could give a extra damage bonus. IE, the first upgrade could +50 damage, then the 2nd one could be +100 damage, and the final one could be like +200 damage or something. Another path you could do is add a chance to get 1 extra animus. For example, the first tier could be 25% chance for 1 extra animus, tier 2 would be 50%, and the max tier would be 100%. These spellement paths would greatly incentivize players to get their spellements so that they have an easier time extracting all these mobs.

More Options:
Another cool update would be to give players more things to do with their animus. Summons are really useful at time, housing guests are great for decorators, and expels are useless. A cool addition could be Polymorphs, allowing you to polymorph into the mob that you want. Could cost 30 - 50 animus depending on the mob.

Questionable Idea:
So this idea has been left pondering in my mind for a while, but I was really trying to think of a good incentive for people to actually be interested in monstrology. This idea essentially allows summon to unlock a permanently trained version of a summon tc (it could be listed as a trained spell under a new tab in the spell book). My idea for this was that if you saved up 200 summons worth of animus of a specific mob, you could go to that mobs entry in your tome and permanently learn the summon spell for that specific mob. This, obviously, would be very broken, and I know Devs could say that people wouldn't buy henchmen if this were in the game, to which i disagree with. People buy henchmen if they are in dire need and need something to save htme in a difficult fight. No one goes into a battle thinking "i need a henchmen." Plus, realisitcally, the only people who would even get the permanent summon card are people who have a lot of game knowledge, as you have to physically grind all the animus for the permanent summon spell for that mob, so those people are already less likely to buy a henchment. Plus, those people could just use tc summon cards aswell, so that kinda neglects that argument. I understand that this idea could be a bit OP, but it involves a tremendous amount of grinding and can't be bought by players, since it requires you grinding the animus the clicking learn summon in the tome. This idea certainly would make me want to do monstrology, just so I could summon my favorite mob into the game. And this doesn';t decentive any other minion spell in the game, because those spells require little effort to learn.

Now, here are some current things I would like to see in a future monstrology update:

- Give tome entries for all of the skeleton key boss minions, its been almost a year since they have released and still have some issues there.
- Some new extraction spells would be nice, I believe Cat extraction spell was mentioned in a KI Live a year or so ago.
- Make Avatar of dogs and Puzzle Piece Monster extractable.
- Let the rematch duels be extractable.

Let me know what you guys think of this!