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Boss Cheats Within Monstrodome

Jun 29, 2009
Hello Again Community and Wizard101.

I have come with a request that might perhaps require the opinion of more wizards. Ok so, within the monstrodome we can have
1. Undead, Parrot or Polar Bear Bosses

Some of these bosses however say, Malistaire the Undying and others have cheats. As many of you know inserting these bosses in the monstrodome removes their cheats. I have been fighting them for quite a while and they are extremely weak. Within 6 rounds I can defeat malistaire with one hit. Which leads to my request.

I consider we should have an option within the monstrodome tome to allow us to turn on or off the cheats of these bosses. Obviously since some bosses require external factors (like the bone dragon in the graveyard for malistaire) we should be able to activate only HIS cheats, without the bone dragon (being only the cycle malistaire or other bosses do.)

What do you all think?

-Justin Firethief

Dec 31, 2009
the reason they gave for not putting in the cheats in the KI live where they talked about this was that some cheats will look for other creatures which you may not have placed in the monstrodome, thereby causes bugs to occur. Kind of makes sense to me, would be hard for them to account for every cheat variable as you are free to mix and match whoever you like for each fight.

Feb 09, 2012
Personally, I'd be cool without an off/on feature. I want the cheats. Without them, those big bosses are just a lot of health and no real challenge. I wonder if instead of tying the cheats to the character in the code, they are actually tied to the location (which, considering we fight some bosses like Malistaire, Morganthe, and Belloq multiple times with different cheats, it would make sense). That would make it impossible to put those cheats in the monsterdome without revamping the way KI puts cheats in.

I was looking forward to having a killer cheating boss duel in there with Mali, Shaddowwock, Shadowbones and Neberyx... sigh.