I was wondering about the new pip conversion stat, if there are more uses other that getting back singular pips from odds and evens. Does pip conversion work on multiple power pips being used?
Would it be possible to use pip conversion for the moon school shifts?
Multiple powerpips would be used at the same time though? Also, i am sure it works on every spell if its universal, but if the pip conversion stat you have is for a specific school, then it wouldnt work. As for other uses, if you have all 7 pip slots filled and a few of them were white, the speed stat allows for A CHANCE to transform one of those white pips into a power pip at the beginning of the round.
It's not worth wearing gear that has pip conversion. You end up squashing all of your other stats. Pip conversion should have been something GIVEN to us years ago, for free. I don't like that we are made to 'pay' for a low chance at pip conversion in lieu of keeping our battle stats.
I was wondering about the new pip conversion stat, if there are more uses other that getting back singular pips from odds and evens. Does pip conversion work on multiple power pips being used?
Would it be possible to use pip conversion for the moon school shifts?
You can't use pip conversion with multiple power pips. If you have mastery, the spell will use power pips, and either consume power pips evenly or leave an odd pip out. If you don't have mastery, power pips work as white pips. The latter affects the shift spells as well, since you don't have mastery of the moon school, shift spells will treat power pips as white pips and pip conversion doesn't apply.