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Joining ongoing battles without asking first

Dec 20, 2008
Hi all,

Ok, this is something that just really gets my dander up. It's players who join ongoing battles without asking first. I had a simple Grizzzleheim quest that should have taken me 10-15 mins, turn into over an hour thanks to players who jump into ongoing battles without asking.

When you jump in, you bring another npc with you..unless you are player 4. That means whoever was there before you has to defeat extra npcs for no reason. For some of us, that means extra cost in cards, time online, etc. It's very rude and while most players mean well, to some of us it is like new players are jumping on our coattails to win quests...at our expense (you know who you are..the "yeah whatever" gang)

I do understand that most newer ( and some not so new) players are trulu trying to help and you just need to know that most of us love the help, but please asl first. :) For you coattail jumpers, I can only say "Get Lost. Earn your own way in the game." :(

Thanks all for any input/ ideas/suggestions :)


Aug 01, 2009
If you still have more of that mob to kill, you're going to get credit for the adds. If you don't have any more to kill and you're finished with the quest, I suppose you could flee. yeah maybe it's a little inconvenient either way, but so far in my experience it has added a social aspect to the game and led to new friends and teamwork. It can get annoying if you're in a rush but overall I like the concept. I agree it could use some tuning - maybe allow the original person the option to exit combat after that first mob is killed.

Jul 04, 2009
Three different kinds of "jumping in battle" has happened to me, most times is just an annoyance, other times is plain rude.

1. If you're fighting in a hall sometimes accidents happen (i've been pulled into a fight that other char started just because i was passing near him). It would be nice if the player that accidently jumps in had a few seconds to jump out without bringing another mob to the fight, without having to use flee.

2. This one annoys me. ppl warping to me when i'm in a boss fight. I believe there should be a way to cancel warps in boss fights, unless you asked for help from a friend.

3. This ones the worst of all, ppl warping or jumping in, getting an extra mob in the fight and then flee, leaving you with 3-4 mobs to fight alone. However they only flee the fight when they see is going bad. They wait 2-3 rounds to see and then run away.

Mar 10, 2009
Rinkusu wrote:

2. This one annoys me. ppl warping to me when i'm in a boss fight. I believe there should be a way to cancel warps in boss fights, unless you asked for help from a friend.

Guess what? you can turn porting off now :D It's very handy for boss battles you dont want people popping in to. In fact in the settings you can turn chat on/off as well as friend and group requests. Give it a shot!

May 29, 2009

#2 and #3 below can be solved by turning teleport off. Since that option was made available, I've made it my default to turn teleport off and only turn it on, when a friend asks me or I ask a friend. Otherwise, it just says, I don't want to be disturbed. Which I don't.

Rinkusu wrote:
Three different kinds of "jumping in battle" has happened to me, most times is just an annoyance, other times is plain rude.

1. If you're fighting in a hall sometimes accidents happen (i've been pulled into a fight that other char started just because i was passing near him). It would be nice if the player that accidently jumps in had a few seconds to jump out without bringing another mob to the fight, without having to use flee.

2. This one annoys me. ppl warping to me when i'm in a boss fight. I believe there should be a way to cancel warps in boss fights, unless you asked for help from a friend.

3. This ones the worst of all, ppl warping or jumping in, getting an extra mob in the fight and then flee, leaving you with 3-4 mobs to fight alone. However they only flee the fight when they see is going bad. They wait 2-3 rounds to see and then run away.

Jun 01, 2009
I prefer people to jump in almost invariably it shortens the fight time as well as hopefully bringing more of the mob i am needing to kill into the fight ie getting it over quicker.

havnt had a whole lot of problm with people fleeing

what i wish was there was a way to allow more mobs into the fight so when your about to finish one mob and you have a bazzillion pips just bring the next victim on lol

Jul 18, 2009
I for one love when people join my battles, because I spend all of my time grinding quests down and never bother with mobs I don't need. That means I'm almost always going for the mobs on quests, which means if someone joins, I get more of them to kill, and get my quests over with so much faster. As for people warping to me; why have someone on your friends list that you wouldn't want warping to you? lol

Jul 18, 2009
I don't mind, and I have to admit I am one of the those people who will jump in sometimes if I see a fight starting. Although I usally avoid them if they only have one thing left to defeat.

I just assumed, and it seems to be the normal thing in this game. People have been jumping into my fights since level one. Sometimes people ask, and thats fine, I usally just tell them if you need them for a quest jump in. :)

If you dislike it, i'm not sure what to tell you. I suppose the could add a function to turn on/off that keeps people from joining your fights, But I doubt they will. They seem to want to promote the social aspect of the game, and helping other wizards.

And really if you want to do nothing but battle alone, why even play a MMO?

Jun 14, 2009
I'm sorry, but I agree with the orginal poster. It isn't that I don't like my friends to join in battle with me, but it would be nice if you were asked first. So many times, I have lost a battle that could have been won because someone joined in, regardless of the reasons. Turning teleporting off, doesn't help you if you are in a battle and you realize that you need help from a friend. It's not like you can turn it on when you are in a middle of a fight to ask for help. It is a this way or that way scenerio with no in between.

I enjoy working with my friends, but there are times when I would like to battle alone.

May 29, 2009

actually, you can turn teleporting on and off while you are in the middle of battle. Just hit a key on the keyboard (not sure if it's all keys, but certainly B or P have worked for me) and you come up with the screen that gives you the "Game Options" button.

sanmil0963 wrote:
I'm sorry, but I agree with the orginal poster. It isn't that I don't like my friends to join in battle with me, but it would be nice if you were asked first. So many times, I have lost a battle that could have been won because someone joined in, regardless of the reasons. Turning teleporting off, doesn't help you if you are in a battle and you realize that you need help from a friend. It's not like you can turn it on when you are in a middle of a fight to ask for help. It is a this way or that way scenerio with no in between.

I enjoy working with my friends, but there are times when I would like to battle alone.

Mar 01, 2009
lefty1117 wrote:
If you still have more of that mob to kill, you're going to get credit for the adds. If you don't have any more to kill and you're finished with the quest, I suppose you could flee. yeah maybe it's a little inconvenient either way, but so far in my experience it has added a social aspect to the game and led to new friends and teamwork. It can get annoying if you're in a rush but overall I like the concept. I agree it could use some tuning - maybe allow the original person the option to exit combat after that first mob is killed.

if you flee you would have to fight them again

Dec 23, 2008
You people have to remember what game you're playing. This is Wizard101. It was designed for kids. It's marketed to kids. And it was coded so that anybody could run up to a battle already in progress, and join in. So keep in mind that the person from whom you're demanding some sort of formal boarding request may be a child whose language skills may not be up to the task. For that matter, he may not even understand why there would be a need to do so.

Bottom line is: That's just the way the game's played. If it's really all that much of an inconvenience for you, I can suggest several other on-line games that might more closely match your needs.