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Potions, getting mana and health easier.

Feb 08, 2009
Health isn't my biggest issue, there are plenty of health wisps around when not in an instance/dungeon. But when I am in an instance/dungeon I do lose a lot of health sometimes and just sometimes I can't afford to fill all my potions up or want to constantly play mini games to fill all of them up and most of the time I just don't want to keep going back and forth.

My mana doesn't run out SO fast but eventually it does get to a low point and there are barely any mana wisps around so I have to go all the way back to the commons and start refilling up on mana.

My suggestion is I don't want only 3 or 4 bottles of potions that refill my health and mana. I want it to be like other games where as you kill your enemies you pick up mana potions and health potions separately or you can buy certain amounts of health and mana potions at a store.

Such as: Minor Mana Potion: After drinking you gain 45 mana
Average Mana Potion: After drinking you gain 85 mana
Major Mana Potion: After drinking you gain 150 mana
Full Mana Potion: After drinking you gain all of your mana

And the same for Health potions only greater in numbers and there can be a slot in your bag for all of these!

Jan 28, 2009
i think your idea is interesting but instead of making potions like that what about more whisps? because the higher level you are, the more the wisps give you in health and mana alike. i know that your health and mana get bigger as you level up but not by drastic numbers (my gear is the main scourse for all of my health and mana as like so many others) but the point is, i dont think they should make different potions and such exactly but maybe more health and mana whisps especially in dungeon areas.

cya in the spiral!
Victoria Sparklewhisper Level 27 Sorcerer (but not for long :D )

May 15, 2009
Mark spot.
Port to commons.
Run around.
Port back to spot.