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fair combat improvement

May 08, 2009
When we start a battle its always all monsters fight first or all characters.

and stays that way for all the battle.

It should be randomized each round.

Also randomize all monster and characters. why can it not be a monster then a char then a char then a monster then a char and so forth.

Randomize it.

Feb 11, 2009
Having it go in a circle is the easiest way to keep track of who has gone in each round, and it keeps the conspiracy wackos from claiming htey got skipped. i do like the ideaa of basically rerolling initiative each round, but on a downside to that, i base my strategy, especially with healing on wether i go first or last. if they changed that i would have to change how i look at healing cards and risk taking, but other than that, no a bad idea. (sorry about huge sentences)

Jul 08, 2009
I strongly agree with this. I have done a lot of PvP in the arena, my main character is currently a warlord (she got the title before level 20).

Going first every round is a huge benefit. Let me illustrate some of the ways:

1. You can get off two big attacks before your opponent is able to react with a heal spell.

2. You can knock down a shield and follow up with an attack before opponent can react.

3. You will have a chance to heal after an attack before opponent can launch a second attack.

4. If s shield is knocked down you will have a chance to respond.

Flip these around to see how bad it is for the opponent going second.

I have beaten people over 20 levels higher than I am, and I think the round sequencing played a big factor.

Randomizing each turn seems to me the fairest way to do this.