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Got fizzle?

May 08, 2009
Is it just me or is anyone else fed up with the constant and consecutive fizzleing of every spell of every school includeing health spells? WHy is it that life spells that are 90% accuracy are only doing 20% accuracy. or fire and storm spells working one in 6 you cast? why are heal spells and other spells that are suposed to be 90-100% and help you fizzleing at all? YOu will fizzle as no wizard is perfect I get that, but shouldn't it be atleast 2/3 that do work? and why have percentages at all if it doesn't apply to anything? I know this forun is moterated and I am trying to stay as calm and write this the best I know how while getting my concern across. THe reality is I used to play 14 hours a day. Now I can barely stand to play 2 hours maybe every other day because wizard 101 has become fustrateing, stressfull, and geared to grand masters that are board and play in groups rather than the every day players and those that play alone or with a partner.

May 15, 2009
Feb 11, 2009
ONce again, and then maybe everyone will stop this, the percentage on the card doesn not know or care what happened last time. All it cares about is that it has a cetain chance of working this time. THis time, not over time.