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What if you could create custom cheats in your Monstrodome?

Apr 15, 2017
I've always liked Monstrology and also liked the Monstrodome, but I felt it's kind of pointless to put creatures in there especially since it consumes the card permanently, it's not worth bosses that take a while to get enough animus for. I thought of something that'd make it more fun.

So my idea goes like this:

In the Monstrodome menu, next to each creature you have applied would be a button you can click to bring up a menu that allows you to configure the monsters cheats.

On the menu there would be a list of your cheats with a button to add a new one. On the cheat menu itself, there would be two card slots and a dropdown list to choose what the boss says when the cheat is triggered.

The first card slot would be what triggers the cheat, which could be something akin to Castle Magic cards. Some examples:

"When battle starts"
"If Wizard joins late"
"If Wizard uses Blade"
"If Wizard uses Trap"
"If Wizard uses Heal"

After applying one of these, the second card slot is what the boss will cast. You can apply any one of your treasure cards to this slot.

Finally, there would be a dropdown menu that has a list of premade phrases for the boss to say when the cheat is triggered.

So for example, let's say we want to cast a Loremaster on anyone who blades. We would add the "If Wizard blades" card into slot one and a Loremaster treasure card into slot two. Let's also make the boss say something like "You will regret that!" from the dropdown list.

As for the rest of the menu, I'm thinking there could be some kind of list which stores the cheats (displaying cheat 1, cheat 2) on the left with a "+ Add New Cheat" button.

For a final note, there could also be some built-in presets, though the logistic of it using treasure cards/"castle magic" (would be a new name, but hopefully you get what I'm saying) cards may be weird with presets.

Now I know this may be kind of confusing to new people who use the basic Monstrodome, which is probably another challenge in making this. What if this was a special Monstrodome specifically designed for cheats, and the other ones are just normal battles? Just throwing around ideas.

This is a pretty rough idea , just something I've always wanted. If anyone has ideas to make it better please do chime in!