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Team up feature

Apr 08, 2015
It's getting very frustrating, joining a team and one high level wizard takes over (eliminates all enemies in one shot) and it's over. The purpose is to HELP the lower levels, no take over.

Aug 17, 2010
What would you suggest as a solution?

If a max wizard joins the team-up kiosk to help a random stranger in a lower world, what would you like to see them do?

As a max storm, with well over 1000 team-ups, I've been yelled at and told I'm OP if I tempest, and I've been yelled at and called worse if I tank and support.
It really is an unwinnable, and demoralizing situation.

I could be selfish and stick to team-ups for farming, but instead I keep hitting my head against a wall and try to help out lower level wizards who don't seem to like how help is offered.

Maybe just be gracious and glad that someone showed up at all.

Oct 18, 2009
I generally use a low level deck with only about ten spells in it one or two of which is hard hitting enough to clear the room. Also i try go at the end and let about two or three rounds pass before killing everything. It keeps it fairly peaceful.

Apr 08, 2015
I would like to see the person who requested the team up take the first spot in the fight and the higher ranked wizards who are "helping" to not one shot the enemies so that everyone gets a turn in the fight.

Feb 03, 2018
Exactly from what was said previously. Think about it, you can't solo everything in the game. I tend to solo most of the game, whenever I can, but when the difficulty is too high for me, I use the team up feature. Why do I use the team up feature? Because I can't solo the fight/dungeon, and I need help. I'm having trouble understanding why you would get annoyed at someone for helping you, when you technically did "ask for help" by using team up.

Aug 23, 2016
When I go to help, I try to ask if the requester wants me to hit or heal.

If heal, I do just that. If hit I have 0 qualms about one-shotting everything. I do not go first ever when entering a dungeon.

That said, I have had team-ups that I have requested where exactly what you describe has happened and I guess I'm more thankful that thy helper has actually stayed and and helped instead of getting into the dungeon and fleeing.

Steve Ghoststalker

Jul 27, 2012
mistress mugwai on Jul 30, 2018 wrote:
What would you suggest as a solution?

If a max wizard joins the team-up kiosk to help a random stranger in a lower world, what would you like to see them do?

As a max storm, with well over 1000 team-ups, I've been yelled at and told I'm OP if I tempest, and I've been yelled at and called worse if I tank and support.
It really is an unwinnable, and demoralizing situation.

I could be selfish and stick to team-ups for farming, but instead I keep hitting my head against a wall and try to help out lower level wizards who don't seem to like how help is offered.

Maybe just be gracious and glad that someone showed up at all.
Im so sorry you've been treated that way when trying to help people :(

As someone who has needed help, and has offered help via kiosk, I understand this person's frustration. When a max comes in and they completely take over (when you don't want them to) it can feel like they're being condescending or something like that. Let's face it, we love the game being the combat is fun. So why can't we all equally enjoy that?

But then again, sometimes people want you to kill fast. The best thing to do when helping someone is to ask, "Do you want me to kill fast or blade you?" Even if they don't want help with either of those, they'll tell you what kind of support they need.

That way you're providing the desired help, and everyone can pleasantly continue playing.

- Amanda GoldenHeart 125

Dec 30, 2016
Typically, I don't mind if a high lvl wiz one shots the enemy. I even offer traps, blades, and heals in place of attacking. However, if I or another player are clearly blading ourselves and trapping for a hit, it gets rather annoying when the high lvl goes ahead and kills them all w/out asking.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Dear Nichodeemouss and Mistress Mugwai,

I understand both sides of the argument here. Yes, if you truly need help and can one hit bam- that's great. I think however, based off my own experience is that sometimes people are badge hunting and this strategy is not effective. For example, I don't mind helping on my Balance wizard, but I also try and collect Animus that I can then trade to my Myth Friend. I'm there to help, but while I'm there I'm trying to collect Animus. I can one hit kill, but I will nerf myself so that I don't kill for the other people that are doing the same as me. (and there are others that farm for Animus strange as it may sound).

The bottom line I think here needs to be communication. Don't just blast through because you can, but also don't feel like you have to bend to every whim of some random person. I do wish that badge hunters would try to help in Higher level worlds. I've started to try and do that because I'm tired of fighting the same Wizard City bosses so many times. I've found that helping in higher level worlds I've ran into fewer of both problems (killing too fast, and unhappy/thankful players that are mean).

I wish there was some incentive to helping in higher level worlds....

Aug 03, 2016
This issue comes up a lot in the forums. I recommend googling to find past discussions. I'm not trying to put a damper on this one, but to point toward some other points people have made, which might edify or enlighten.

There have been some recent changes made in the game. Namely, the team ups accumulating into badges which enable purchase of a pet, gear, or a kiosk for your castle.

They also added a penalty: if the battle ends before everyone is in the active battle circle, or if the battle ends after the person who called for the team up has left, then the battle does not count toward the badges.

That can be trolled too because now some people leave on purpose. There is also a glitch in some battles in which it doesn't count even though everyone played correctly.

About one person using an attack all spell and ending the battle on the first round: I've experienced it from both sides as have most people, I think. It can be disappointing, but the truth is, you have many many more battles to go. If you really want to experience playing that battle, do another team up.

A lot of people just want to get it over with. I've tried asking people what they prefer, but most find that awkward. It's hard to know what to do. Some want you to hurry up, and others want you to guard them while they take an hour if necessary. Truth is you kind of get the luck of the draw, in a team up. Long as they're not trolling, thank them and move on, is my best advice. Remember they did still take the time to help you.

Aug 03, 2016
Nichodeemouss on Jul 31, 2018 wrote:
I would like to see the person who requested the team up take the first spot in the fight and the higher ranked wizards who are "helping" to not one shot the enemies so that everyone gets a turn in the fight.
In a higher level battle all that will do is get the lower health wizard killed. The higher health wizards will spend an inordinate amount of time healing them or protecting them, when they have been called there to help them kill the boss or win the battle.
Let the highest health player go to the first spot. The first spot takes the most damage. You can still ask them to just guard you or to let you get a few hits in or whatever.
In some cases I'm just glad someone is helping because I can't do it on my own. When it's like that I'm not going to be too picky. Maybe they have somewhere else to be.

Aug 03, 2016
exp613 on Aug 6, 2018 wrote:
Dear Nichodeemouss and Mistress Mugwai,

I understand both sides of the argument here. Yes, if you truly need help and can one hit bam- that's great. I think however, based off my own experience is that sometimes people are badge hunting and this strategy is not effective. For example, I don't mind helping on my Balance wizard, but I also try and collect Animus that I can then trade to my Myth Friend. I'm there to help, but while I'm there I'm trying to collect Animus. I can one hit kill, but I will nerf myself so that I don't kill for the other people that are doing the same as me. (and there are others that farm for Animus strange as it may sound).

The bottom line I think here needs to be communication. Don't just blast through because you can, but also don't feel like you have to bend to every whim of some random person. I do wish that badge hunters would try to help in Higher level worlds. I've started to try and do that because I'm tired of fighting the same Wizard City bosses so many times. I've found that helping in higher level worlds I've ran into fewer of both problems (killing too fast, and unhappy/thankful players that are mean).

I wish there was some incentive to helping in higher level worlds....
"The bottom line I think here needs to be communication."

Yes! Along those lines...the person or people who requested the team up -- speak up! Don't count on the person who answered the request to read your mind.

I don't know how many times I've asked and tried to find out what they prefer, only to be met with silence while my turn counts down. Once that's done, I can't change a thing. (Language and chat were not issues.)

Then when the plays start rolling someone will blurt out "No! Don't hit!" or "Pass!" -- I can't change it.

If it's a mixed bunch of health levels I now figure at least some to be farming or trying for their badges, so I do whatever I'm in the mood for (assuming no one spoke up.) If they are all lower level players/low health, I assume they might want to play at least some so I just use a wand hit, shield, etc. first round.

But then that's not counting on the next person, who might want to get it over with...and who uses an attack all spell and, done. So it's not only the player who ran to first spot. I do that but it's to protect the others from being killed off right away.

Jul 16, 2016
I understands both sides. I personally wouldn't mind a high level taking over, but one thing that really bothers me is that high level tend to skip the dialogue and don't wait up for others.

Aug 03, 2014
I can see it from both sides. There is someone who wants help either to continue their journey or to farm a location for drops; there is someone willing to use some of their time to help, possibly for badges but possibly just to help.

Communication is key but sometimes higher levels run in and kill fast. KI has made it so they won't get credit for helping if the person requesting help was not in the battle so at least they usually wait for everyone to be in the battle circle now.

If we are asking for help then it's okay to ask the person/people helping us to play out the battle the way we'd like but at the same time it is presumptuous to assume we can insist on it, especially if our way will take longer.

I try to ask, but when people rush into the battle ring I just run in too. I'm happy to do it the way the requester wants but unless they tell me it's impossible to know whether they want me to kill quick or boost and heal so they get the kill.

If I was asking for help I'd just be glad they helped me, whatever way they chose to do it.

As a helper we are not the requester's minion, we're still people and we appreciate being treated nicely and thanked for helping rather than criticised for how we have helped or for not mind-reading what the requester wants us to do. I've met some lovely people through helping via the team up kiosk

Feb 28, 2014
I know the frustration in teaming up; not knowing who you will get. Will that wizard literally over power you and take over the battle for a kill without giving you a chance to hit do to his/her level vs. yours? I often ran into the same problem when I need help at the same time that help is far above my level ripping through the battle like butter making my fight unenjoyable. How many players will downgrade themselves for that one battle or 2 so the other player can have it's fun. Not many. I can see both sides of the issue but I think the real solution that will possibly help everyone's game play is for Kingsisle to add your level above your name in team-up mode. So that way wizards will know the strength of help they are getting. Some may disagree with this solution but it's better than not trying to find one at all.

Aug 03, 2016
Patrick Ravenbane on Aug 8, 2018 wrote:
I know the frustration in teaming up; not knowing who you will get. Will that wizard literally over power you and take over the battle for a kill without giving you a chance to hit do to his/her level vs. yours? I often ran into the same problem when I need help at the same time that help is far above my level ripping through the battle like butter making my fight unenjoyable. How many players will downgrade themselves for that one battle or 2 so the other player can have it's fun. Not many. I can see both sides of the issue but I think the real solution that will possibly help everyone's game play is for Kingsisle to add your level above your name in team-up mode. So that way wizards will know the strength of help they are getting. Some may disagree with this solution but it's better than not trying to find one at all.
" I think the real solution that will possibly help everyone's game play is for Kingsisle to add your level above your name in team-up mode."

Yes! I think I've mentioned this in the past too (I don't recall for sure!) also the length of battle or some type of symbol showing if it's a one room or dungeon type of battle. Also the school of the boss. There isn't aways time to google all of that since team ups can go away as soon as you see them in the kiosk.

Maybe a puzzle piece for a team up that includes puzzles or is only a puzzle, no fighting.

I would also love to see the harder battles come with more reward. I try to do those (maybe up to Polaris, because I'm not that good of a player) but it's less rewarding because the people are often so frustrated it's taken so long to get help that they're cranky. And they just want it done quickly. Or they are farming for something. Then I'm stuck in a battle I'm not enjoying just so someone can get a sword. I'd rather help someone progress in the game.

So I'd love it also if a rake or something indicated the person was farming vs. maybe a sword meaning they need to finish that battle to move forward in their game. That's probably a long shot.

I realize people don't want to fill in 100 blanks when requesting a team up. So maybe the automated ones have a better chance of being implemented. Your idea of the payer's level, plus maybe battle difficulty or type or length, and more reward for harder bosses or battles or longer dungeons.

As it stands now, the lower level battles go fast in team up kiosk but I'm sure most of the higher level battles, have people waiting hours hoping someone will help.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
People who ask for team-ups can't dictate who joins. To actually complain about the play-style of whoever shows up is beyond appalling. Sometimes you just have to take the help that comes your way, without complaining or critiquing. That said, the way we high-level helpers approach the situation can smooth the way somewhat. We should not make assumptions about what they want us to do.

At the start of the battle, simply asking, "Would you like to do the hitting?" can go a long way towards giving our fellow team-mates some agency in the battle. If they want us to do it all, they'll say so. But if they did want to participate more fully, they'll be glad we asked. For me, I just remind myself that I'm there to help them - so I try to help them in the way that they want.

I know not all high level wizards have that same attitude. I also know that not every wizard I offer to help is going to be grateful or gracious about it. But ... I still do it. For every one or two grouches I run into, there are easily ten more super people whom I'm glad to have met.

Alia Misthaven

Aug 17, 2010
SparkleTude on Aug 8, 2018 wrote:
" I think the real solution that will possibly help everyone's game play is for Kingsisle to add your level above your name in team-up mode."

Yes! I think I've mentioned this in the past too (I don't recall for sure!) also the length of battle or some type of symbol showing if it's a one room or dungeon type of battle. Also the school of the boss. There isn't aways time to google all of that since team ups can go away as soon as you see them in the kiosk.

Maybe a puzzle piece for a team up that includes puzzles or is only a puzzle, no fighting.

I would also love to see the harder battles come with more reward. I try to do those (maybe up to Polaris, because I'm not that good of a player) but it's less rewarding because the people are often so frustrated it's taken so long to get help that they're cranky. And they just want it done quickly. Or they are farming for something. Then I'm stuck in a battle I'm not enjoying just so someone can get a sword. I'd rather help someone progress in the game.

So I'd love it also if a rake or something indicated the person was farming vs. maybe a sword meaning they need to finish that battle to move forward in their game. That's probably a long shot.

I realize people don't want to fill in 100 blanks when requesting a team up. So maybe the automated ones have a better chance of being implemented. Your idea of the payer's level, plus maybe battle difficulty or type or length, and more reward for harder bosses or battles or longer dungeons.

As it stands now, the lower level battles go fast in team up kiosk but I'm sure most of the higher level battles, have people waiting hours hoping someone will help.
Perhaps a more simple option would be a symbol for damage (sword) vs. support (clover). It would make it easy to see at a glance the kind of help the requester is looking for. If they don't care, they can leave the option empty.

Dec 20, 2012
A lot of people assume when they get into a team-up feature to help people is they'd like help, no matter what kind of help it is. For me, what am I supposed to do, as a storm, but hit? They should know that what I'm going to do is hit, because that's what my school is. If you really don't want that kind of help, you can ask that person, but even then...why dictate how someone else fights? You don't know their play style. How would you know what they're good at and what they aren't? I personally don't care if people are in my team up and want to kill them, I don't see the point of being the person who kills the boss every time.

Cheyenne StormHunter
Level 114

Sep 12, 2010
Blaze Death on Jul 31, 2018 wrote:
Exactly from what was said previously. Think about it, you can't solo everything in the game. I tend to solo most of the game, whenever I can, but when the difficulty is too high for me, I use the team up feature. Why do I use the team up feature? Because I can't solo the fight/dungeon, and I need help. I'm having trouble understanding why you would get annoyed at someone for helping you, when you technically did "ask for help" by using team up.
^very true.

Think about it this way, if someone comes in and one-hits the battles in nastrond, awesome, a dungeon that could have taken a hour is only 15 minutes, more time for other things. And if you want to later go back and kill them yourself, you're free to do that. Almost every battle is repeatable so when you get strong enough to solo it so that you deal all the damage, you can do so. If you are not strong enough, then that's what team up is for.

Amy Haven 125

Feb 28, 2014
SparkleTude on Aug 8, 2018 wrote:
" I think the real solution that will possibly help everyone's game play is for Kingsisle to add your level above your name in team-up mode."

Yes! I think I've mentioned this in the past too (I don't recall for sure!) also the length of battle or some type of symbol showing if it's a one room or dungeon type of battle. Also the school of the boss. There isn't aways time to google all of that since team ups can go away as soon as you see them in the kiosk.

Maybe a puzzle piece for a team up that includes puzzles or is only a puzzle, no fighting.

I would also love to see the harder battles come with more reward. I try to do those (maybe up to Polaris, because I'm not that good of a player) but it's less rewarding because the people are often so frustrated it's taken so long to get help that they're cranky. And they just want it done quickly. Or they are farming for something. Then I'm stuck in a battle I'm not enjoying just so someone can get a sword. I'd rather help someone progress in the game.

So I'd love it also if a rake or something indicated the person was farming vs. maybe a sword meaning they need to finish that battle to move forward in their game. That's probably a long shot.

I realize people don't want to fill in 100 blanks when requesting a team up. So maybe the automated ones have a better chance of being implemented. Your idea of the payer's level, plus maybe battle difficulty or type or length, and more reward for harder bosses or battles or longer dungeons.

As it stands now, the lower level battles go fast in team up kiosk but I'm sure most of the higher level battles, have people waiting hours hoping someone will help.
Yes, I too know how frustrating it is to put your game time on hold while in team-up mode waiting an insanely long time looking for help. Getting help using team-up use to be quick. It seems ever since one-shot duel Dungeons and Skeleton Key Bosses arrived in Wizard101, caused a major slow down in Team-up for higher levels. People shouldn't have to go to the Commons or Old Town for help.

Apr 08, 2015
I would just like everyone in the battle/dungeon to get a turn is all I'm asking. I join the team to help, not to conquer/destroy.

Aug 03, 2016
Patrick Ravenbane on Aug 10, 2018 wrote:
Yes, I too know how frustrating it is to put your game time on hold while in team-up mode waiting an insanely long time looking for help. Getting help using team-up use to be quick. It seems ever since one-shot duel Dungeons and Skeleton Key Bosses arrived in Wizard101, caused a major slow down in Team-up for higher levels. People shouldn't have to go to the Commons or Old Town for help.
I think it should be incentivized. It makes no sense for a dungeon that takes an hour, and a Wizard City battle that takes two minutes or less, to receive the same 'rewards.'

For time constraints or other reasons most people will go for th easier ones.

Maybe if there were things people could only win or earn by doing the harder team ups. They'd have to complete them, of course, so it didn't get exploited.

Then it's odd but when I've answered harder team ups, not sure if it's just me, but one person trolled *me* and left after two rounds in the dungeon; another kept getting lost or pulled and wouldn't let one go and one port; another just stood there and said "you've got this, right?" the whole time.

Can't count how many times I've answered a team up only to have someone duck out of the kiosk, at the very last second just before I'm pulled in. Now I'm penalized if I leave but the requester ducked out before I did.

Can't regulate manners, though, so I guess it will always be a dice throw.

I still feel sorry for those who have good intentions and wait and wait only to not get help.

Mar 11, 2009
Well, everyone has some good ideas, but in my point of view, the Kiosk is for defeating the enemy! I feel for lower level wizards that want to learn and be helped....but Im afraid the Kiosk is the wrong place....this is the place where you sign up and go in, do your best and if there is a super level wizard in there with you....thank you thank you....OK... he/she has a fantastic card that is thrown by the second round and its all over....you and the others with you have won the battle....time to move on!....several times I have jointed a team and didnt get to do a thing....the big guys with in there with me and several rounds and "battle over"....or....I could of tried solo , probably defeated, or been in that battle a loooong time.
So, for me.....when I go to the Kiosk I hope there IS a high level with me!
But if you Really want the experience of the battle.....go sign up for it again!